The problem is the boy is as dense as a rock. He HONESTLY couldn't see that Hyunoh only likes Woojoo as a little brother?!? I don't know who I feel more sorry for. Him for not noticing that is was plutonic, or Hyunoh for the fact that he has been in love with Doah and Doah never noticed that either.
Granted, it may be a good thing since the stalker for them (assuming it is NOT the same stalker that kidnapped WooJoo, which I am starting to think it may, in fact BE the same guy out for more revenge), would have ousted them had the been dating at this point.
I know I am assuming a bit on the part of Hyunoh liking Doah, but considering that we now know for a fact that he IS gay, and that he was SERIOUSLY hurt by Doah's solo debut and his general anger toward both Hyunoh and Woojoo, I am betting that he has had feelings for Doah for a VERY long time. But I could be wrong.
I knew it! I may hate him from his very first appearance but I know that hate will turn to love like im the back to school ┗( T﹏T )┛