Thank you so much for speaking up! As a victim of r@pe, I do not appreciate fujoshis and fudanshis separating r@pe in fiction with reality. It shouldn’t be romanticized or normalized in the first place. Every time I try to speak up about it they answer “I didn’t ask about your situation”. That invalidating and ignoring the voice of a victim/survivor. I’ve seen so many people ask for recommendations for csem, pedophilia, incest, r@pe, s3xual harassment and the list goes on and on.

I agree with you, and another issue I see within the community is the ostracism of female characters within BL/Yaoi. If she seems like a “potential threat” to the main love interests suddenly everyone is calling for blood...and it’s like...she did nothing wrong? Can a girl not have a crush? And aren’t the MC’s gay anyways? Last time I checked, gay men don’t fall in love with girls?
But if the female character is portrayed as a fujoshi she’s suddenly a godsend? Like noooo she’s literally sexualizing the MC’s and it’s disgusting. It shouldn’t be “ReLaTaBLe”.
But I think my biggest issue of all is how most BL/yaoi is written by females FOR females...and I see girls crow all the time about how guys read GL/Yuri and sexualize it... but guess what? A majority of the GL/Yuri (from what I’ve heard) is way more accurate and less toxic compared to yaoi BECAUSE ITS WRITTEN BY FEMALES FOR FEMALES. if I’m being completely honest here, for every dude that sexualizes yuri, there’s about 50 girls out there who sexualize yaoi. There’s far more fujoshis out there than fundashis or whatever you call the male equivalent.
Anyways that’s just me ranting there...sorry for the wall of text LMAO

First off, don’t put this in questions. Put it in “Things” or other forms on this site used for discussion.
Second of all, BL isn’t meant to be realistic in anyway. Yes there’s an issue with BL ablut what u mentioned but it’s gotten progressively better since, say 10 years ago. As someone whose been into BL for a long time, I can vouch for that.
Third, y’all never keep this energy for GL, Shoujo, or Hentai. Everyone complains about BL but this is literally a common issue across all romance genres. If u want realistic mlm fiction, there are many places u can read them at but you’re literally criticizing a genre that doesn’t aim for realism lol

yeah no problem, its very nice reading people's inputs !!
The fact that every single female that isn't trying to get the main couple together gets slander is so stupid to me. Even if they were a love rival, the BL obv needs conflict or it wouldn't even be a complete story, which reinforces the fact that half the damn fandom is looking for porn rather than plot.
And, yeah the fact that many fujoshis reject GL because not a lot of it is steamy and if it is, it's often done in a way that isn't too explicit is also dumb because why would you pass up the opportunity to see at (least) two hot women for like 60 chapters? TWO?? HOT WOMEN?? and again: Reinforcing the fact that most girls who like yaoi only read for the smut. Which wouldn't be a problem if that didn't leak into every other piece of media that isn't inherently sexual that has two men in a relationship in it.

I agree with you for almost everything but in this case with GL. There isn’t much GL that represents a healthy wlw relationship. The few that do represent situations that wlw are very underrated since BL is way more popular than GL. From the yuri’s I’ve seen it’s shown a lot in hentai and is fetishizes all wlw to be dogs in heat. A lot actually are pedophilic and Sven with underage girls having sex too. In this case since BL is a much more popular topic than GL because we see a lot of girls who are touchy with each are seen to be close friends but they can also be lesbians. We see less touch with men because as you can see by our society that hugging or anything touchy that men do even if they’re just friends and are straight are seen to be “gay” or “not manly” so when a girl sees mlm they go crazy over it. Most of the time Yuri animes are made by men for men. The reason Yuri isn’t being talked the same as BL is because guys are more “reserved”. There have been studies where men have watch lesbian porn more than lesbians themselves. I think anyone can create a BL, a GL (or any other lgbt anime/manga/hwa/hua in general) as long as women don’t create a BL that fetishizes mlm for a female audience and a men can also create a GL as long as they don’t fetishize wlw and make it for a male audience because in the end it’s just people in love.
We kinda need to talk about how gay people are being fetishized throughout the BL/Yaoi community. Yes, BL can bring some good gay representation but it can be a problem if you
1) completely ignore all the problems that make the said BL problematic because the sex scenes are 'hot'. If you arent able to separate a sex scene from a literal rapey situation just because two men are having intercourse, that's not a good sign at all.
2) make BL references that carry on to things that aren't even BL-related (Literally, the other day I saw an Instagram post on how to draw waists. WAISTS. and people in the comments were making references to 'Top' and 'Bottom' and going so far as to calling it a 'yaoi reference' This is not fucking okay.), and even real life. Shipping people in real life is not okay.
3) use the 'fiction isn't reality, therefore it's okay to glorify problematic media' argument to justify these behaviours. 1. Fiction is often based on reality, 2. If a manga was made featuring incest, pedophilia, rape etc. (Ive been using that word too much sorry lol couldn't find a better one bc my English isn't that great) would that not say something about what the author thinks and finds acceptable? Whatever fiction you look at is always going to be a reflection of what's in the creator's mind, so yes reality and fiction are related.
Feel free to have a discussion or add anything I didn't put here under this post.