Hello, they are both very stubborn men and yes it may seem like Kagami is a jerk now, but he has also been pretty sweet to Shingo. You must remember that their relationship started from their fisical compatibility and and sexual impulse, from then on Kagami has been trying to push their relationship foward. He confessed, buyed a house, forced Shingo to move in with him, told Shingo he would never leave him, got jealous from everyone around, showed his leopard spots and even turned into his feline form for him and now even buyed a ring. Kagami did all that knowing about Shingos past and despite all that Shingo has never voiced what he feels or wants from Kagami, and in turn that has turned Kagami insecure and anxious. Kagami has lost sight of how he should handle their relationship and perhaps has put distance to allow Shingo to think about what he really wants. Lets see were the next chapter leds to since Shingo has finally made his resolve to tell Kagami everything he wasnt able to tell before.
I want more to know what Keiichi has to say not Shingo. Why did he did all of that? And to get rid of that Angelo. I don't think that because he acted nice in the past he should be forgiven for cheating. Like i said Shingo managed to trust Keiichi, but his behavior made him unsure. He had reasons to broke up with him. Keiichi has explains to do not Shingo in my opinion. Insted of a ring he should respect Shingo.
I as well want to see what the next ch will bring.
I have to say I agree with Sunika on this. Keiichi was warned from the start about Shingo's issues and still decided to pursue him. Recently, though, Shingo HAD settled into the relationship, until all the trouble about Anglelo, scent, and Keiichi's behavior started making him worry. Then to top it off, Keiichi informs him he's going to the US, no discussion. The worst thing Shingo knows is the feeling of being left, so he leaves. I doubt if Keiichi had actually talked to Shingo about what was going on, and discussed the the proposed trip to the US before he made up his mind, Shingo would have felt the same. The question is why didn't he?
I said i wont post anything anymore, but i just can't! Keiichi reaction was just to RUDE.
And i still see comments with "Shingo is at fault or Keiichi didn't do anythung wrong bla bla bla" C'mooooooon!
Even the more secure person in the world will become unsure after Keiichi behavior. Shingo finaly trusted him when he started to act like an ass.
He lied!
He kissed another person
He missed nights from home
He never talked with Shingo
He never bothered to explain anything to him
No respect whatsoever
He came home (in the morning) with another man smell on him
He decided on his own to leave without his boyfriend for an year or so.
He always took Shingo for granted.
I really, really liked Keichii in the previous chapters... but now, i think Shingo is to good for him