No one's gonna mention Seungho's nightmare?

yuyang April 7, 2021 3:10 am

Seems like he went through some really traumatic shit as a kid (I think most of us assumed that anyways), but I didn't think it'd be as horrific as getting raped by a bunch of old men after being locked in a room by people he trusted. Looking forward to seeing how he can heal from it.

    ssunnaii April 7, 2021 3:23 am

    Right! When I just went pass that part I said "If I go down to these comments and nobody mentions it, I will." Glad you did. There were always so many people saying Suengho was raped as a kid but I just thought they were making something up cause it all of the chapters it didn't say anything about that so I just thought it was fake but now seeing this it confirms that.