What do we really know about Keiichi?...

blackdia March 17, 2016 10:47 pm

Ok, I just signed up just in order to comment on this, although I read a lot on this site (thanks and love to the wonderful staff!).
First, hallo everybody. I share everyone's concern about Shingo's happiness and their future as a couple, but I think we all know that they'll be together in the end. It is not necessarily true in any kind of plot, but with this one, I feel pretty sure.
Second, something I never read, is that we don't really know who Keiichi is. What we know is that is brother almost destroyed himself "for the family" (his duty etc.). But in the end, he's a very fragile man, and extremely tender at some points; I don't know about you, but I melted when he screamed that Shingo is "HIS" little brother. It was so touching; that is who he "really" is, a man that loves his brother completely. But in the beginning he acted so dumb. It is easy to love little Shingo, but money and social position are not everything in life. We have no idea where Keiichi's own frailties might lay on, and I think he proved several time how much he loves Shingo, not only sexually. The story is full of tenderness from him to Shingo, c'mon. Sometimes he's so romantic he's pathetic. It is not realistic to believe he chose his career above love of his life. I think there's something laying underground we sill cannot see. Remember... as they happily end up together the story will end, and, if for me, I want it to go on, like, forever. Sensei makes a living out of this! Let's forgive her for these strong emotions… she's just creative!

    OniGiriGirl March 17, 2016 10:51 pm

    Ugh, couldn't agree more! I just hope they make up soon! :D

    blackdia March 18, 2016 12:04 am
    Ugh, couldn't agree more! I just hope they make up soon! :D OniGiriGirl

    ...me too…but then, sensei has to invent something else! I'm too much in love with this story.