For some sort of reason it didn't tell all the thisng I said so I'll just type it again...
So 1st spoiler (whats gonna happen after this chapter)... the person that's coming really isn't maxi father rather it's a runaway lord (or noble) that's visiting (or more specifically forcing thier way in) and maxi will be handling them, or atleast will try to handle them... get this will be seeing riftan in 2-3 chapters (probably) he will be artivung in the right moment, yes will be seeing him soon because our boy despite supposedly arriving 3-4 days before that ended up arriving earlier since he rushed his return.... "One bruiese, One head" rigtan basically saif when he saw maci got hurt because of all the commotion... he was ready to start a war for her...

Spoiler 4... or more likely a fun/cute fact
"Riftan mention a popular story about a young man who trespass on Max's mansion/castle in attempt to ease his curiosity about her. He never mention that it was him but i am pretty much sure that it was Riftan himself and he got love at first sight or fell in love with her by this event."
-From the comment section of the novel..
So that's why, I was always curious on how the fck does maxi doesn't any sign of abuse (such as bruises, wounds, or etc) in her body, well I did guess there was a healer, but none have confirmed my curiosity untill now, (tho for some sort of reason The novel didn't mention this [or maybe it did and I wasn't just paying that much attention/can't remember at that part] )
Ps: does anyone want a spoiler, cuz maybe I can give one since I'm quite ahead, just if you want to since I also known that feeling, curiosity I mean...