To be clear he is a misogynistic jerk with inferior complex who abused doona while they are dating.
But Wookyung destroying his life? Out of control. Him appearing in front of Doona doesn't give her a right to abuse and rape him. As a normal human if she feels tormented by his present, he should contact judicial system.So I would argue about it being mostly his fault.

"Wookyung destroying his life? Out of control." Minho literally CHOSE to quit his job before securing a new one because he trusted some rando woman who proposed on their first date... then when he finally got some money blew it all on expensive useless bullshit... then turned down money when Doona offered JUST to get him to LEAVE because he was too elitist to sleep in a hostel. Like yeah the first time in the hotel room was horrifying, the time in the fitting room turned my stomach and trigged my ptsd ngl but everything in recent chapters? He dug himself a pit then refused a ladder because it wasn't plated in gold. I mean, he literally could've taken the first offer of money and walked out the door hotel room, he could've walked out at any point with the money he had and stayed in hostels, he could've gotten a part-time job... but he chose to stay with her knowing her conditions for it. Lol i wouldnt be so verbose about this if the translator wasnt so obsessed with deepthroating minho or whatever in the most annoying way possible. Im a past rape victim myself and i really dont give a shit about this mean ugly misogynist character

Because he was literally working his ass off for years for NOTHING. His university is corrupted and even his only friend with glasses threw it away because the money was so pathetic and they were basically used for years with delusional promises they have chances to become professors.
Oh so it's so normal that some crazy, rich dude is plotting for years to destroy your life in the background?
It was told that Minho is from very poor family and it looks like he still is paying of his loans because he didn't get any support meanwhile most of the other characters don't face such problems. They spend a lot of moneys on booz,expensive toys, cigarettes, nice apartments.
He is at this point homeless. Sorry but Doona is taking advantage of man who is in desperate state. It would be more merciful to throw him out than to continue the abuse both mental and physical one.
It's clear as a sky he is in horrible mental state at this point of the story.
And I don't care if you like him or not but he is constant rape and abuse victim and he didn't get any help to deal with trauma, forget about psychological one.
the translator either give the same point of view to EVERY character or should just shut up or at least stop writing in every panel how much they hate dunna and haesol, it's really tiresome reading about it, don't get me wrong they do get some point acros, but then Minho comes into scene and they turn into a complete simp, the translator is literally the haesol of Minho, it's like they act in the exact way of the characters they hate so much lol. they justify every disgusting acction minho makes and in the next panel trash the other characters. Like come one don't trynna be objective when you clearly can't. I mean they can have their opinion but the hypocritical aspect of it when it comes to minho does not sit well at all with me ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍