idk why but...

ddaeng April 6, 2021 11:02 pm

im rlly happy he chose karam and has the guts yo be loyal cause i get swayed to easily ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
actually the real reason was i want red hear to be w junseo cause i've been rooting for them since they got the same work, i wish they have a sequel for them ugh!!

but rlly tho i want to be loyal to smn else too, i found karam uninteresting but pretty sure when u love smn u just do (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    ddaeng April 6, 2021 11:06 pm

    actually im quite sad w ur opinions in karam not bcs u have more connection w smn u will love them? althought i pity junseo doesn't meant u have to do my karam bad