I agree with you, I definitely do not like Yeonwoo... he genuinely creeps me out. But I think one thing I'd have to disagree with is the fact that the main character is a precious baby. I think there were multiple parts of the story where we saw some really dark parts to him. But thats just my opinion and I wanted to share it with you!

yeah I see what you mean even myself was uncomfortable at some points bc of how fckd up his mind was but at the end we can't really know the reason why he became like that... but I love the way he's trying to become better, maybe that's why i like him even tho i admit he can be dumb sometimes like when he asked yeonwoo if he killed everyone just after the call with the professor. but that was bc he was dependent of yeonwoo...

for real you've just spill what are my thoughts are. thb, i don't have much expectations with yeonwoo's character i feel like he's just built to be like that nothing more nothing less so i don't want to expect anything about him and for taejoon i just hope he could free himself from his dark past and find himself again.
i use to like dark stories with toxic contents or semes, i really do... but after reading all the chapters in one go, i can't bring myself to like yeonwoo bc he's just mentally manipulating my bby, he never told him that he truly likes him or showed him a sincere proof of affection. that's why he's different from all the other dark semes i know. well, this is how i feel it. bby looks like he's only a hole and a toy attached to his strings, there is no sign of love behind and he never showed a hint of regret for all he did to him.
it's clear that he became like that bc of his parents, there's no doubt about it, but still it doesn't give him the right to treat taejun like that. i just hope he gets character development but since we're at the 50th chapter, i don't get my hopes up. i'm still gonna read it bc it's very interesting with all this thing around the black room and still, just to see how the seme will develop in the future.
idk if anyone feels as uncomfortable as me with yeonwoo or just wish for him to open up about his feeling to our precious mc...
ps: thanks to this talented author for making me feel all of this!