ShicxBlow OTP

Yukio Takamiya March 17, 2016 10:36 am

OMG why is Iel even part of this again? If they end up together, i'm never going to forgive the author. I mean Lidusis is fine too, but his personality doesn't really fit Rood. But one look at Shic and one can tell that there is no other partner for Rood. Just imagine it. The best OTP!!!!

    chachacha March 17, 2016 3:51 pm

    Regardless of your OTP (and mine), I really think it would be a hopeless one-sided relationship. Look at her. Even now, she's still clouded in her own fantasy. No, Iel. Not happening.

    Yukio Takamiya March 18, 2016 1:00 pm
    Regardless of your OTP (and mine), I really think it would be a hopeless one-sided relationship. Look at her. Even now, she's still clouded in her own fantasy. No, Iel. Not happening. chachacha

    Y'know, i think that we should be friends xD.
    Because i totally agree with you. I mean, look at how long she's been in love with him. And Rood doesn't realise it not to mention even notice her in that kind of way. Sure they interact, but he doesn't look out for her every second. On the other hand with Shic. The gazes they give each other although they're fighting. He notices Shic even more than her. And don't you think they work so well together?

    Anonymous March 20, 2016 6:21 pm

    wats OPT mean? Also yup Iel is dreaming

    Yukio Takamiya March 25, 2016 5:57 am
    wats OPT mean? Also yup Iel is dreaming @Anonymous

    OTP means one true pairing.

    asaris April 11, 2016 3:18 pm

    "one can tell that there is no other partner for Rood." there's dio? he sure makes a better partner since he's not trying to kill rood all the time.

    Yukio Takamiya April 15, 2016 1:01 pm
    "one can tell that there is no other partner for Rood." there's dio? he sure makes a better partner since he's not trying to kill rood all the time. asaris

    Dio is definitely another possibility with his loyalty and all. However, how exciting can a romance with no obstacles be? Gotta have some tension there to make things more juicy doesn't it?

    asaris April 15, 2016 1:11 pm
    Dio is definitely another possibility with his loyalty and all. However, how exciting can a romance with no obstacles be? Gotta have some tension there to make things more juicy doesn't it? Yukio Takamiya

    i prefer my otp having a healthy relationship than a toxic one lol but ok

    Yukio Takamiya April 15, 2016 1:33 pm
    i prefer my otp having a healthy relationship than a toxic one lol but ok asaris

    Hahaha. That's fine as well. Everyone has different preferences, if you ship Dio and Blow, that's fine as well. I guess you're unique, in a good way of course. <3 Since most people are shipping Shic and Blow. I guess a toxic relationship seems more appealing?

    asaris April 15, 2016 2:10 pm
    Hahaha. That's fine as well. Everyone has different preferences, if you ship Dio and Blow, that's fine as well. I guess you're unique, in a good way of course. <3 Since most people are shipping Shic and Blow... Yukio Takamiya

    i'm glad you understand! ╥﹏╥ but it think it's mainly because it's kinda glorified in yaoi? like in sekaiichi there's a pairing where the seme literally raped the uke and the shippers still ship it because they think that the act of rape is love when it ain't. abusive relationships aren't appealing, well not to me at least. i think what makes it appealing to others is when the seme is like super attractive and the uke's girlishly cute and when the seme's overly possessive and the uke doesn't have a strong personality because it gives that "protect me" feeling ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Yukio Takamiya April 15, 2016 2:25 pm

    I actually agree with you to a certain extent. I too like my pairings sweet with love and all. But I guess shipping Shic and Blow just felt right? be honest, I'm actually neutral with toxic and healthy relationships. It's just depending on the situation or storyline that I ship my pairings. For Sekaichi, although the seme practically rapes the uke, don't they develop feelings for each other in the end? We could take that to be the case for Shic and Blow as well.

    But somehow, I guess we shouldn't be taking this so seriously, After all, it's just a matter of who we ship, not the real story. have a feeling that the author will be putting Iel and Blow together. Errgh!!

    asaris April 15, 2016 2:56 pm
    I actually agree with you to a certain extent. I too like my pairings sweet with love and all. But I guess shipping Shic and Blow just felt right? be honest, I'm actually neutral with toxic and health... Yukio Takamiya

    imo it was more like the uke developed stockholm syndrome or was pressured into falling in love, i mean it could've been handled so much better.
    ikr? i just hope the author doesn't pair iel and blow together tbh, it'll ruin the story. it's 2016 and i've yet to see the main lead end up alone or with another male. it's annoying to see the typical bland shoujo loveline over and over again.

    Yukio Takamiya April 17, 2016 12:56 pm

    Well, that's one thing we both agree on despite our different shippings.^^