
Sakura Ren March 16, 2016 7:31 pm

I'm confused by this update. Is there something I'm not getting right? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Flavor1084 March 16, 2016 7:58 pm


    Lacrymosa21 March 16, 2016 8:44 pm

    well... Do you remember this girl that asked zhang zhengxi to the party? This same girl asked Jian Yi to give a love letter to Z.Z. But because J.Y is in love with ZZ he ripped the letter and trowed it at a trash can. Some bad people found it and coz they hate the girl or they just want to humiliate her they put it on the bulletin board.

    Anonymous March 16, 2016 8:52 pm
    well... Do you remember this girl that asked zhang zhengxi to the party? This same girl asked Jian Yi to give a love letter to Z.Z. But because J.Y is in love with ZZ he ripped the letter and trowed it at a tra... Lacrymosa21

    wth u talking about? he didnt do any of it... he gave xixi the lettter when xixi said love is something noone esle but oneself can decide for oneself. rember the friend of them who onyl cared for his gf thats what he said, so YI GAVE xixi the letter so he can decide himself, after that he left the classroom sad and tian foudn him trying to cheer him up.

    Lacrymosa21 March 16, 2016 9:31 pm
    wth u talking about? he didnt do any of it... he gave xixi the lettter when xixi said love is something noone esle but oneself can decide for oneself. rember the friend of them who onyl cared for his gf thats ... @Anonymous

    really? well is being a long time from then so maybe i dont remember it right xP

    Sakura Ren March 17, 2016 4:35 am
    well... Do you remember this girl that asked zhang zhengxi to the party? This same girl asked Jian Yi to give a love letter to Z.Z. But because J.Y is in love with ZZ he ripped the letter and trowed it at a tra... Lacrymosa21

    As Anonymous said above, I remember that Jian Yi gave Zhang XiXi the letter. Well, hopefully, Sensei will clear things out soon... But, nonetheless, thanks for taking the time to answer. (⌒▽⌒)

    supremecurt March 17, 2016 3:45 pm
    well... Do you remember this girl that asked zhang zhengxi to the party? This same girl asked Jian Yi to give a love letter to Z.Z. But because J.Y is in love with ZZ he ripped the letter and trowed it at a tra... Lacrymosa21

    Such legit, much canon lmao