
Yaoi_lover April 6, 2021 2:21 am

At the end of the day this story has no relation to any kind of incest. It’s pretty clear yus little hot self is the male lead. And If you do not like that then, click the back button on this site and see your self out.
This story is super amazing & if your not enjoying it because you think it’s incest it truly is your loss. It’s like you guys seriously come running to the comment section talking mad shit because there is incest. You have the option to not read stories with incest or etc. but yet it seems every time, you guys indulge yourselves into it. And it’s pretty annoying for those of us who enjoy it.
Anyway can’t wait for more!!! I love the story! And I AM TOTALLY SHIPPING YUS&RAN ALL THE WAY! #Yus&Ran4Eva <3

    snoopy April 6, 2021 3:42 am

    I know right? and it's just fiction after all so it's fine