Heyyyy anyone knows why the friend is crying? I think there was spoilers around... There w...

CHEWLIE95 April 6, 2021 12:47 am

Heyyyy anyone knows why the friend is crying? I think there was spoilers around... There was even a reveal of the top's dad, right?

    Fly King April 6, 2021 2:49 am


    Ok so like, two (?) chapters ago did you see who Sanho was living with? And Sanho was complaining about “friends” (future lovers) doing “it”
    And so his roommate grabs his hand and says “I think I could do it with a friend” *cue lovey eyes*
    And so my theory is that it lead to something that made Sanho really upset and confused so he went there to calm down (probably attempted r*pe or maybe he was trying to get consent while coming onto Sanho— or even just flirting TOO hard)

    (This is just what I’ve gathered based on context so if I’m wrong feel free to correct me)

    Fly King April 6, 2021 2:50 am

    Also, i don’t think I know anything about the tops dad..? So I can’t help there... :(