Quick little rant abt Taichi

Dominicanweeaboo March 15, 2016 10:29 am

I really hate taichi bc of all the stuff he's put Naoto through. When they were together in high school Taichi said they weren't dating but they were only together for "sexual gratification," (which shocked and hurt Naoto) thus ending their relationship but he got mad when Naoto moved on. Also, whenever Naoto tried to talk to another girl or something he would become possessive as if he was the only one Naoto could associate himself w/. Then, later in the story he raped Naoto and tries to disregard what he did to Naoto by telling Naoto that they're still friends. To me I think Taichi is a vindictive a**hole and I feel bad for Naoto. Honestly I wish Naoto would've left taichi and never associate himself w/ him again. I want Naoto to be happy bc he is waaaay too good for someone like taichi. Idk it could just be me thinking this way. Sorry that this was kinda long i just had a lot pent up that i wanted to say lol

    flornica March 15, 2016 11:00 am

    Taich is an insecure ass.

    He is, but.. March 15, 2016 2:20 pm

    He is, but.. If Naoto just left Taichi, there wouldn't be a point to the story. The story is telling you about a couple with many conflicts and how they resolve it and come to terms with each other and fall in love with each other again, happily and successfully. It's growing out of a bad relationship into a good one. This happens to many people in real life, my parents too. They are starting to slowly love each other again. That being said, there are some relationships that cannot turn back to how they were and it would be best to break up. However, Taichi and Naoto were giving each other more chances, trying to figure their feelings out and silently coming to understand one another. Taichi did terrible things, he has a terrible temper and it was terrible that he resorted to rape. But then, that's the point of his character. He wasn't supposed to be super kind. He was supposed to be sweet, love Naoto, but able to snap from jealousy at any given time. And you could see he was trying to change that, but all in all, his problems and Naoto's problems were what made the story.

    I love this story, and it's characters. I don't like the character's for what they've done, I like the characters AS a creation of what Ogoretsu has made. Such detailed and complex personalities. Just like real people.

    Haha sorry for my rant as well. XD

    fujoshineko March 15, 2016 3:56 pm

    Taichi is a troubled character. They were teens when they met and fell in love and Taichi was going through a tough time at home. Unfortunately, not all people are capable of handling such situations easily. Kids and teens are especially vulnerable. Add up the fact that he didn't have friends before Nao. He basically held everything in. :(

    Dominicanweeaboo March 15, 2016 6:58 pm
    He is, but.. If Naoto just left Taichi, there wouldn't be a point to the story. The story is telling you about a couple with many conflicts and how they resolve it and come to terms with each other and fall in ... @He is, but..

    I understand what you are saying and think you are completely right abt how his flaws are part of him, but I still don't care for taichi lol. I just think it's wrong how he lost Naoto in high school and then he almost lost him again, because of his possessiveness. On a different note, I love everything Ogeretsu Tanaka publishes and i'm always looking forward to see what she's coming out with next!

    fujoshineko March 16, 2016 12:20 am
    I understand what you are saying and think you are completely right abt how his flaws are part of him, but I still don't care for taichi lol. I just think it's wrong how he lost Naoto in high school and then he... Dominicanweeaboo

    Same here. She might just be my number one mangaka at the moment. Her stories, especially the angsty ones are downright fantastic. Don't even get me started on the art hahahaha

    Dominicanweeaboo March 16, 2016 1:25 am
    Same here. She might just be my number one mangaka at the moment. Her stories, especially the angsty ones are downright fantastic. Don't even get me started on the art hahahaha fujoshineko

    I love everything she publishes. Ive read everything from her that's been translated. I cant get enough of her!!