Heart beating hardddd !

SkipBeat April 5, 2021 11:14 am

Luke Pereya alias Seiji Cahill is back. And Fallllllinnnnnn for Kasia for good. Waaaah ! 89, and 90.2 chapters kept me on my toes. I wasn't expecting the gentlemen like behavior. I loved it. Haha. They are all going to join Kasia's army ! I'm jumpin'jumpin' jumpin of impatience. I just can't believe the author is going to take several months break and leave us hanging. I'm so crying. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ლ(´ڡ`ლ) I'm so hungry. Giv, giv, snif.

    SkipBeat April 5, 2021 11:31 am

    I mean... Everyone diserves a break especially when the work is so good. I'll just miss it so much. I really want to thank the illustrator for such good work. I'm just going to miss reading this so much. But I'll be back when she is. I'll wait. Good rest to her. I deeply appreciate all the efforts put in this manga. God bless.