MilkMyCow April 5, 2021 4:45 am

Every character besides (i guess besides Gyerin) has many flaws. Some obviously more intense than others.
Wookyoung is just a psycho
Duna is selfish and entitled and is holding a grudge from years ago to fuel her hatred for Minho
Minho's superiority complex caused him a great deal of problems and the fact that he has practically lost all hope on being independent (which is not entirely his fault might I add)
Haesol has turned himself into a doormat and has latched onto the first woman who has shown him attention and now is desperate for more.
And the author just misrepresents a lot of things in this webcomic: Bdsm, lgbtq, mental illness, toxicity, etc.
I've read the entire webcomic in full and I just have to say that the only reason I really finished it was to see what ended up happening. SPOILERS: Haesol and Duna sorta end up in a relationship, Gyerin gets her own sidestory, and Wookyoung and Minho will get a super abusive and toxic sidestory. Yeah the ending is fucked in many ways in regards to Minho. Yeah he was an asshole a lot of the time but that never warrants the abuse and assault that he went through and will go through.
The author i think mentioned that Minho was based off a person she knew in real life so I feel like this comic is more like a vent situation so that she can take her anger out on somebody who wronged her without getting in legal trouble (yikes).
Duna sorta had a mini little redemption moment at the end where she realized that she really is a fucked up person and shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone because she feels she doesn't deserve it.

    GayLion April 5, 2021 6:43 am

    I agree with a lot of this, however I disagree on some points. Warning I did not read any further than the chapters currently posted.Wookyoung is definitely a crazy dude and like wtf do you mean it’s fun if they don’t enjoy it, completely agree on that point.Duna is more than just selfish and entitled, she’s a horrible human being and a rapist. What she does to literally all of the men in this series is disgusting. She preaches about how it doesn’t feel right but like? She continues to cross so many boundaries and do things they don’t want? Just because it gets her off? And everyone is either so fucked up, horny, or in love to see it. The only times I felt like she wasn’t in the wrong or was a good person was the one night Minho and her spent together when he said he loved her and then took it all back the next day, when police officer dude (I feel really because because I can’t remember his name) and wookyoung and her had a threesome and she defended the sub, and when Haesol and Gyerin kept sticking to her when she was awfully clear about what she wanted (I kinda felt like this when she was listening to Haesol about safety with BDSM but it was too little too late). Basically every other time she’s a bitch. Minho definitely doesn’t deserve the whole rape and being treated like shit situation but he’s a dick. Idk what happened with them in college but everything afterwards has been almost as much his fault as Duna’s they’re both clinging onto one another. He’s a dick to everyone for no reason, has no real good qualities, isn’t skilled, and doesn’t even have a certain sense of situation, who decides to go shopping when you only get some money???? He’s stupid and rude, yeah he doesn’t deserve all this rape and stuff but he does deserve a reality check. Him not being able to be independent is his fault in my eyes. He keeps quitting his jobs before either getting paid/getting a new job? And if it had only happened once fine but like it’s been happening for months??? Get your shit together??? And the pride! Take the money and get yourself together, you’ll have much better chance of finding a job. His attitude and lack of work ethic is what’s ruining his ability to be independent, as least from what we’re shown. I’m not saying I don’t pity him, all that he went through? Tricked into a fake marrige plot, raped multiple times, etc. None of these things were good but he wasn’t smart or good to begin with, so now I don’t want to root for him, not that he deserved any of these things. Haesol is more than just a doormat, he’s a manipulative little bastard. Duna has said multiple times no and he figures out what he can do to insert himself into her life, using the fact that she can’t say no to sex. So yes he’s changing all these things for her, but he’s manipulating her into staying with him too. I’m not saying Duna should fall into these temptations, especially when they have sex it is or is bordering on rape sometimes, but he’s really messing with her too. It’s obsessive creepy and ugh just bad.Gyerin is the only “good” character here. Yes she didn’t listen to Duna’s initial no love rule, however once she realized her mistake she fixed it and moved on, not to mention she was almost always upfront, the only reason Duna didn’t kick her out the first time was because she didn’t believe Gyerin was gonna fall in love with her. Gyerin also did small pranks on Haesol which were unwarranted but he never felt like he was being bullied and honestly we all have flaws and no one is perfect. Plus she’s one of the few who hasn’t raped someone or been overwhelmingly toxic so I hope she finds a fun rich lesbian who puts up with her quirks. And yeah the author dealing with big topics with little to no real information? Makes me so mad and I’m glad you brought it up. The bi rep being all rapists? Not good. The BDSM not actually being consensual so rape not sex play? Not good. The whole accepting the toxic ness because someone says their sorry but doesn’t change? Not good. So I agree with you on most of your analysis but I hope this cleared up where we disagree :)))

    MilkMyCow April 5, 2021 2:43 pm
    I agree with a lot of this, however I disagree on some points. Warning I did not read any further than the chapters currently posted.Wookyoung is definitely a crazy dude and like wtf do you mean it’s fun if t... GayLion

    I agree with probably everything you said tbh. My message was getting long so I watered it down a bit but yeah your right. It's really hard to find smut webcomics with strong female leads where she isn't being an abusive bitch tbh.

    GayLion April 5, 2021 2:53 pm
    I agree with probably everything you said tbh. My message was getting long so I watered it down a bit but yeah your right. It's really hard to find smut webcomics with strong female leads where she isn't being ... MilkMyCow

    Yeah and I will admit I find the comic interesting, but no one in it is good so there’s that. And every genre seems to have bad MC’s when it comes to smut. In Hetero Romance the girl is either a bitch or so weak and the ML are almost always boring. GL both of them are usually either really weak or really toxic. BL there’s almost always a horrible dude who will rape the other or an annoying guy with no good qualities. It sucks that the smut is just covered with all of these bad stereotypes. Though I suppose if I wanted better characters I wouldn’t read smut lol