Needless captions in recent chapters

ShonaNingyo April 4, 2021 9:32 pm

Can the person translating this please STOP putting in their personal comments with asterisks? No one gives a damn about your opinions about the comic you're translating. It's NOT funny. And I don't mean "I'm not offended", I literally mean it's not funny. Jokes that are only funny to you should be kept to yourself. It's like someone talking over a movie or inserting their Author's Notes in the MIDDLE of their own fanfiction. Who told you this was okay in 2021? And to anyone who says "then don't read them", I thought we as a community had grown out of the middle grade snark and decided to ONLY use little translator's notes to clarify a foreign word or a translation complication. Some of us don't like to be taken out of the zone of reading a story with stupid crap like 'omg". You save that at the end for a screenshot of your DMs with your fellow translator making dumb 2010-era jokes that people also don't end up reading because it also isn't funny or interesting. My eyes immediately go to the little notes because I always assume there is information there to help give context, and yet I'm constantly fooled into thinking "Oh the translator has something relevant to say", and I'm left disappointed every single time.

    Juney April 5, 2021 3:18 pm

    OMG thank you for saying it. I get sooo annoyed cause I really love actual translation notes that, you know, are about the translation. I don't want to hear someone stupid little jokes or three paragraphs of character hate every other page