dude whats more important? doing jail time for prostitution? Or you and your best friend's...

❣TheRomanceEnthusiast April 4, 2021 1:59 pm

dude whats more important? doing jail time for prostitution? Or you and your best friend's lives/ justice for the people he's murdered....? honestly...

    skittle April 4, 2021 2:27 pm

    I think at first he was worried about lying about being blind and prostitution, but now he’s just concerned about staying alive lol. He tried to report the psycho in a phone booth a few chapters ago but the police didn’t believe him

    ❣TheRomanceEnthusiast April 4, 2021 2:35 pm

    i know but that's because of how he reported it. If he lets things go on like this he is 100% getting killed or at the very least his friend is. If he goes to the police/ finds out who they guy who was killed is (probably missing) they can link them maybe and if they investigate his house they'll find forensic evidence and yeah his semen will be in the shower so he'll have to tell 100% everything for sure but if its for the sake of *living* its probably worth it. Also his friend witnessed him together with the suspect and can back him up on that at least. Plus street cameras/ he has his legit phone number.

    if he doesn't think that will work he should at the very least leave the country/ disappear.

    Gloomy April 4, 2021 3:12 pm

    Lol I don't think he can go to jail for prostitution lol. He doesn't want to go to jail bc he's faking blindness for a disability check each month.

    Which he can get I trouble for, for faking. He can't get in trouble for prostitution. That's dumb

    StockholmBeauty April 4, 2021 8:11 pm
    Lol I don't think he can go to jail for prostitution lol. He doesn't want to go to jail bc he's faking blindness for a disability check each month. Which he can get I trouble for, for faking. He can't get in tr... Gloomy

    I don't remember if he mentioned a disability check but if he does receive that then yes, he can get in trouble for that.

    But prostitution is illegal and he can definitely get in trouble for that and is even worse than lying about a disability, I mean like the legal repercussions, one is fraud and the other is literally prostitution, wdym that's dumb???

    Gloomy April 4, 2021 10:22 pm
    I don't remember if he mentioned a disability check but if he does receive that then yes, he can get in trouble for that.But prostitution is illegal and he can definitely get in trouble for that and is even wor... StockholmBeauty

    Here where I live prostitution isn't illegal. Idk if anywhere there it is tho. But if it is then maybe that's why. But he I don't think he said anything about prostitution. But he did say that since he fakes his disability for profit he can go to jail and get into trouble

    Just wanted to clarify

    Gloomy April 4, 2021 10:24 pm
    I don't remember if he mentioned a disability check but if he does receive that then yes, he can get in trouble for that.But prostitution is illegal and he can definitely get in trouble for that and is even wor... StockholmBeauty

    Also I mean it's dumb that prostitution would be illegal

    StockholmBeauty April 5, 2021 12:51 am
    Also I mean it's dumb that prostitution would be illegal Gloomy

    Oh okay, I mean what he's doing can count as prostitution because he's receiving money in exchange for sexual activities, but it's disguised as a massage business precisely because prostitution is illegal.

    As far as I know it's illegal in most countries but not in all the world.

    But they're in Korea and there it is illegal so he can definitely get in trouble for it along with the fraud of faking a disability, so that's why he doubted a lot in reporting the killer guy

    Gloomy April 5, 2021 10:24 am
    Oh okay, I mean what he's doing can count as prostitution because he's receiving money in exchange for sexual activities, but it's disguised as a massage business precisely because prostitution is illegal.As fa... StockholmBeauty

    Ohh that makes sense. I forgot that they're disguising the business. I thought they were plane out with it. My bad lol