
Ynaffit April 4, 2021 8:49 am

That's not being overprotective he's actually a psycho but anyway we love him

    feelingyou~ April 4, 2021 4:59 pm

    Yer right. "A psychopath possesses no ability to love, or show genuine kindness towards others....." BDJDBDDJGDBSBDBCUGDBESMKSD TAESUNG DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT LOVE IS?!

    Ynaffit April 4, 2021 9:34 pm
    Yer right. "A psychopath possesses no ability to love, or show genuine kindness towards others....." BDJDBDDJGDBSBDBCUGDBESMKSD TAESUNG DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT LOVE IS?! feelingyou~

    I don't think he does lol maybe he will one day