It’s also night over here, so good night! ヾ(0∀0*★)゚*・.。
I get how some people might not want to read a manga because of the artwork. Personally, I don’t really mind bad art anymore, I’ve built a tolerance. I enjoy Nekota Yonezou’s art and stories but hey, everyone has different tastes and that’s totally fine. As for mangakas with good stories and bad art, I feel the struggle. The queen of bad art will forever be Fujisaki Kou, her art is so bad it’s almost magical and amazing, but I love her stories and characters. The Kemono series is one of my all-time favorite series. Every time I re-read the series in the back of my mind I’m always thinking: “Wow this looks so bad, is that his hand? Is that supposed to look sexy?” ∑(O_O;) But I enjoy it anyways.
In Psyche Delico’s case, at the very least I think her mangas are okay, some I really enjoy, others I’m indifferent to. However, Choco Strawberry Vanilla is one of my most hated mangas ever. I hated all three characters, their personalities, their actions and the relationship between them. 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸I didn’t like the ending, because nothing got resolved and we were just left hanging there, with only an “It’s deep and complex so appreciate it!” How about no. I’m in the minority considering it has an 8.8 rating but oh well, not everything is for everyone. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
As for Nakamura Asumiko, I feel that she tries to be so artsy, and deep, and meaningful that sometimes I’m all over it, loving every second of the experience, but other time it just goes completely over my head.
(≧∀≦) Please feel free to gush your heart out.
I love Ogeretsu Tanaka! I love almost all of her works (I’m still on the fence about Yarichin Bitch Club). Her art style is great and I love that she explores the darker sides of characters and relationships, but she doesn’t do it in a way that makes me want to stab the characters.
Natsume Isaku is also one of my favorite mangakas. I love the comedy that’s always present in her works and I’m usually not a huge fan of tsundere characters but she makes them work. As for the sameface, I think it’s not as bad as Yamamoto Kotetsuko’s (also one of my favorite mangakas).

Minase Masara and Aida Saki!
I'm not a big fan of Minase Masara because the way she draws uke probably they are most of them pitiful. Her art doesn't bother me and there two or three manga of her sometimes I reread tho.
I'm not a big fan of Aida Saki because to me some one her character are similar.
But in the end I read the works of both of them lol

While I like her character design I will admit Minase Masara has some pretty wtf ukes. I enjoy her mangas but I often get a feeling of abruptness from her work. I don’t know how to explain it well, but I feel that her characters and the story don’t flow very well.
The only Aida Saki manga I remember is Aiso Tsukashi because I enjoyed it a lot, so I can’t really say anything other than that. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

₍₍ (ง Ŏ౪Ŏ)ว ⁾⁾
You should try it out because you’ll probably miss something good. The first yaoi mangas I read were Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, and afterwards I only read mangas with “pretty” art. For that reason I didn’t read Haru wo Daite Ita because I thought the art was ugly. However, after reading it, and loving it I realized that I was probably missing out on so many mangas because they didn’t have “pretty” art. So I read anything and everything that sounded interesting to me, regardless if I liked the art or not. It takes a while to get used to but I find it’s worth it.
(≧∀≦) HAHAHAHA. Yeah Shungiku Nakamura’s art was so bad, it was comical. The body proportions and the chins always make me laugh (I’m not sure but I think the term “yaoi hands” originated because of Junjou Romantica). It’s gotten better but it’s still a little bit off for me, though it’s way better than Fujisaki Kou’s. I love Junjou Romantica but I can see why some people wouldn’t, and just because I love it doesn’t mean I’m blind to its flaws.
For Choco Strawberry Vanilla, well I’m not a person who believes that just because I dislike it, everyone else must too. I encourage you to read the opinions of someone who did like it, and then determine if that’s something you’re interested in or not.
Nakamura Asumiko was also one of the mangakas I avoided because of the art, but after I read her work, I started to appreciate her art style. I would encourage anyone who is interested to read her work. She’s not the typical yaoi mangaka, and even the stories that are misses for me I still appreciate her uniqueness.
The first Yoneda Kou manga I read was Doushitemo Furetakunai and I loved it. I can’t remember how many times I re-read it. Then I read Soredemo, Yasashii Koi o Suru and I loved it too, though not as much as Doushitemo Furetakunai. As for Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai, funny story, the first time I read it, I was so indifferent to it I actually forgot about it! I re-read it after I saw that everyone was loving it, and I was like “Oh Yoneda Kou has a new manga?” But no, it wasn’t new, and I had it marked so I had already read it, but I couldn’t remember a solitary detail. So I read it and then I fell in love with it, it wasn’t love at first sight (or read?) for me. It has somethings I usually don’t like, but it’s such a compelling story I can overlook the aspects that I don’t like.
If I were to describe Yarichin Bitch Club in one word it would probably be clusterfuck. Seriously, it’s a mess of everyone sleeping with or trying to sleep with anyone. There’s the A likes B, B likes C and C likes A situation, and I’ll admit I’m not a fan. Also, there are the members of the club that weren’t explored in the first volume, so I’ll just have to wait and see if the story manages to grab me.
My favorite work of Yamamoto Kotetsuko is Honto Yajuu, it’s number one but not by much since I really like her other works (I’m not a huge fan of her baseball stuff though). The relationship between Tomoharu and Aki is just so cute and funny, I often re-read it to heal my heart after reading sad or dark stories.

I’ve been hearing about the Doukyuusei movie since it was announced. On Tumblr people post a lot of things, so I’ve seen pictures and promotional stuff, but I haven’t looked for the movie because I thought that since its new it would be harder to find.
I do tend to read the comments, both positive and negative, before I start reading a manga because I don’t want to waste my time, and make my heart and mind suffer through something I clearly won’t enjoy. Before writing this response I just finished reading a manga that I absolutely hated, and I could’ve avoided it, have I read the comments. So I’ve learned my lesson, always read the comments.
I haven’t watched the Doushitemo Furetakunai movie because I read some comments saying it wasn’t that good, so I didn’t want to try it. Also, there’s something about the way Asian movies and dramas are acted that I just can’t get into. I’ve tried watching k-dramas and j-dramas and different movies, and very few had acting that I buy. Personal taste I guess? I agree with you about the Saezuru chapters, I always want them to be longer. But I can’t help myself, every time I see a new chapter I have to read. I guess I’m an M for Yoneda Kou.
Yes Ogeretsu Tanaka went there. I’m not a fan of love triangles so I’ll wait until the manga is finished to see where sensei takes the story. I have hope since Ogeretsu Tanaka hasn’t disappointed me yet. P.S. I recommend the Kuroko no Basket Dj, it has so much feeling! Even someone who doesn’t like Djs should check it out.
I would advise to stay away from Bokura no Negai for the moment. Don’t get me wrong the story is great, but since it updates so infrequently it gets really frustrating. I really enjoy the story, I like Hayato’s struggle with his feelings for Ryou, and I like that Ryou tries to be a good guardian because he genuinely cares for his family. I wish Ken and Take would just hurry along with their relationship, but as it stands, I like them. Though my favorite parts of the manga are anything involving the couple from Mankai Darling, Takashi and Haruhiko. I just love them so much! I’m glad that they’re helping Hayato with his issues. So yeah, it’s a good manga but don’t read it just yet because you will get frustrated.

When it comes to manga , I ve personally reached this point where I don't care about the art anymore (I mean I would always appreciate some good art but I would never judge a story based on the art because a lot of the good ones have crappy art)
So my taste in mangaka is all about the plot and originality of her work (and for me to become a fan of the mangaka and not just the manga I need to like most of their work and not just one two)
One artist who's just not doing it for me even though they re really popular is Rihito ,
I don't know how to explain it but I personally feel that her work os overrated (please don't hate me hehe) I don't dislike her stuff but I never find them THAT good
My current obsession (just like everyone else apparently) is Ogeretsu Tanaka , her work is so unique in everyway that I just can't stop rereading her stuff (AND SHE LIKES AOKISE OMG)
There is also Ogawa Chise , I just LOVE the flow of her work, it doesn't feel rushed at all even though most are short and that's something I really appreciate.
Harada is also one my fav mangakas as she keeps her work really interesting and I always keep looking for more *_*

At the beginning of my yaoi reading experience, since I was used to shoujo’s “pretty” art, that’s what I gravitated towards. But now I read anything I find interesting. Unless it’s like so bad it’s hard to miss, the art isn’t really something I notice much.
My standard of “favorite mangaka” is that I have to like most of her work. For example, I don’t consider Nakamura Shungiku one of my favorite mangakas because I’ve only read Junjou and Sekaiichi. As for what I like in mangas, I’m totally with you on plot, I like my stories to actually have a storyline, though I do love me some episodic mangas. I’m okay with non-original plots as long as they’re executed well.
I would never hate you for not liking something (even if it’s popular or not) or thinking something is overrated. We’re all free to have our own opinions. Lord knows I dislike me some much loved mangas. I think it’s great that we all have different opinions and that we can all share it. At least for me, since I don’t feel offended when someone hates/dislikes something I like, I enjoy reading different opinions on the things I love since I get to see the good and the bad. (●'◡'●)ノ
Honestly, Ogeretsu Tanaka is just killing it recently. I definitely consider her one of my favorite mangakas, since the only one I’m iffy about is Yarichin Bitch Club. She’s so good at making relatable and interesting characters, I can’t even hate the one that’s a horrible person. (≧∀≦) I gave up watching Kuroko no Basket after like 5 episodes because Kagami annoyed me, so I’m not too knowledgeable on the ships (is AoKise not popular enough?). But that Dj is gold, every time I re-read it, it K.O.s me.
Ogawa Chise is also one of my favorites (I have a big list of favorites but their works are so good). She succeeds in twisted, dark storylines but also in light and funny ones. I like that her work is varied, and really interesting. I have a love/hate relationship with Harada. I love her work but it after I read it I need to stare at a wall for a while to collect my thoughts and untwist my heart. Even her “comedy” has dark elements. I still look forward to anything she writes, she has turned me into an M.

Ohh I totally see what you mean about harada but I guess it all comes back to personal preferance. Her work really deals with a lot of topics many consider taboo (pedophilia, child prostitution... ) and most of them have a dark theme but what I love about her is that her work is original and even her way of talking about these things is just so real and in a way that makes you keep thinking about it even after you're done reading. I really appreciate manga like that, when even after I completed them , I still can't get over the story ( that's how I know a yaoi reaally gave me feels)
Personally, I ve come to this point that when I start a yaoi, from the get go , I can pretty much tell what's happening , so artists like Harada who keeps coming up with unique plots ARE GOLD. Most of her work have that plot twist that I definitely didn't see coming .
I also really like her twisted characters because they re different from the usual , they're mostly flawed /perverted / don't like themselves. Even yatamomo, I keep reading in th comments about how everyone is happy that this one is comedy /fluff but even that one deals with a great global story (not gonna say more because you didn't read and I'd hate to spoil for you xD)
That and I personally enjoy dark themed yaoi and ones that deal with taboo subjects
Not exactly sure why but it's just fun for me to read about characters who are considered outcasts/perverts /creeps and about how they deal with life. It's just intresting , especially the ones who end up falling in love with someone and obsessing about them . Again probably because of all the feels and how much it shocks me sometimes ,that I keep thinking about it for days (I just seriously love it when I can t get over a yaoi)

SAME!! at first I was really into Junko because of how cute it is and all the fluff (kinda similar to shoujo feels xD ) that's why , whenever someone is new to yaoi and wanna start reading I always recommend junko hehe
Also , I'm happy you said that xD this girl I used to fangirl with about yaoi before on twitter , blocked me after I tweeted that I wasn't a fan of 10 count so I've trying to keep my dislikes to myself :p
YESS!! Ogeretsu Tanaka is just AWESOME. I'm surprised you didn't like Yarichin , I personally had so much fun reading it (not my favorite work by her ) but i still enjoyed it a lot , and it made laugh at first because of how absurd the concept is.
and then sharing the same ship with her is a huuuuge plus (I'm not a kagami fan either but I live for sport animes because SHIPS EVERYWHERE )

Yas! Junko was my obsession when I started yaoi, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reread her works. Junko and Kanda Neko were my standards in the beginning.
Well that’s just rude. No story is perfect, and no story appeals to everyone. Being able to talk with someone and discuss what works for them, what doesn’t and why is so interesting and it makes you see things you probably wouldn’t notice on your own or by talking to people who are likeminded. So I always encourage people to say what they really feel, because I don’t have anyone to talk to in RL about yaoi and here I find people who like the same genre, so it would suck if I have to hold back my opinion. As long as I’m not personally attacking anyone I think it’s okay to express myself.
As for Yarichin, I don’t necessarily dislike it, but it hasn’t grabbed me like her other work. The reason is probably because I didn’t read it with the notion that it’s silly and fun, and a deviation from her other heavier work. I’ll have to reread it. Though even from the first time I read it, I was interested in Yacchan’s thirst for Yuu, though I’m not a huge fan of love triangles. But as I mentioned before Ogeretsu Tanaka hasn’t disappointed me yet.
(≧∀≦) True about the sports animes. I haven’t wanted a ton of them, but it’s so easy to ship them.

Miyamoto Kano. Definitely. =_= . . . . I'll be brutally honest since you asked this in the open. I do not like her work to the point of hatred (Sorry, Miyamoto Kano fans!). Her stories tend to have lots of sleeping around, no clear relationship, lots of cheating <---all the things I practically DETEST. I also find her works a bit dry & devoid of warmth. If you come to argue with me asking "Have you tried all of her works? Some might just be different/worth reading" my answer would be, No. I haven't tried all her works but I tried at least 10-12 of her works, at different times(just to rule out "me being in a bad mood & disliking it because of it".). IMO, I think I have given her enough chance & time. I still try her works from time to time but each time I end up dropping it. I don't want to go through the same pain when I read her other works.
2nd one - Nitta Youka. I know, I am definitely going to be hated for this one. But the truth is I find her work plain Irritating. Can't exactly point out what, but I run out of my patience & attention very easily & very fast whenever I try her works. But unlike Miyamoto Kano, I haven't given up on her. I still check out her mangas from time to time & try to read them.
There was a time when I really USED TO dislike Nakamura Asumiko. But NOW I love her & her works. Haven't tried all of them as I don't want to run out of good yaois to read ^^" But till now there hasn't been a single 1 of her works that left me disappointed (▰˘◡˘▰)
I also find Minami Haruka a bit frustrating sometimes. If she would just put at least half of the "efforts" in the stories & characters instead of the smuts & porny dialogues then she would have become a great mangaka! I DON'T exactly dislike her as I gulp down her works like an addict when I want to try something hot & porny. But I think I would love her work(instead of just "liking" it) if she puts more efforts in her stories.
Next in line would the great legendary loved by all(almost :P) Psyche Delico. I don't exactly dislike her either. In fact I like her! Sometimes she writes really amazing mangas worthy of being called Masterpieces(like "Despicable")!! But I don't like all/any of her works like I do with my fav mangakas (Yoneda Kou, Shimizu Yuki, Hidaka Shouko, Kyuugou, Ike Reibun, Kunieda Saika, Ogura Muku, Ogawa Chise, Harada, Ogeretsu Tanaka, Tenzen Momoko, Madarame Hiro etc etc....there's probably 30 more but for now I just mentioned some off the top of my head). For example I don't like her famous "Choco strawberry vanilla" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Lastly Ootsuki Miu. Hmm...she's a tricky one to judge. I like a few a of her works. But I am not so in love with it to go back for a re-read. I have also seen majority of the people going gaga over her art & smut. Surprisingly it's her weird art & messy smut that I dislike most in her work.
Well....that's about it I guess. I think I have made almost half of the mangago fujoshis(or more :P) my enemy after this answer. But as this is just an answer & STRICTLY my personal opinion please try to ignore it. Hope everyone is mature & decent enough to do that. And,I am sorry if any of my statement felt offensive to anyone. Please note that I din't meant it. This is just my personal opinion.Thank you for your patience (whoever is reading this freaking long answer of mine :P :P)

I agree sooo much about what you said about Ootsuki Miu , like I said before I don't care much for the art but I still do find hers pretty bad and she might have some great plots but the development is usually REALLY bad and let's not talk about all the clichéd scenarios she never fails to use .___.
I wouldn't say I hate her but I'm never enthusiastic about reading her stuff and even before I start reading I'm a like 'I'm soo not gonna like this'
I still end up reading anyways because what of one of them is good?
AND OH MY GOD MINAMI HARUKA !! I dropped her forever ago that I forgot to mention how much I hate her work .. I find everything about her work horrible starting from the art to the plot to the development. I particularly hate her uke and can't stand how all of her characters look the same even in different stories
What surprised me is seeing how many people actually dislike psyche delico. Im not particularly a fan but her stuff really isn't that bad in my opinion *_* I guess it all comes down to personal preferences

100% agree with you on Miyamoto Kano. I’ve tried her work but I can’t do it, there’s like only one (I think) where I thought to myself that it wasn’t so bad, but I didn’t necessarily like it either. I get frustrated when I read the comments and people are like “it’s so realistic, that’s life.” And while I agree, cheating and sleeping around do happen in real life, and life isn’t rose colored, but still calling it “realistic” doesn’t make it awesome in my opinion.
Nitta Youka isn’t one of my favorite mangakas, I just like Haru wo Daite Ita. There’s like 2 of her mangas where I think they’re just okay, and the rest I either strongly dislike or outright hate. Besides, she dropped a lot of her other mangas, so there’s no point in reading them. Haru wo Daite Ita Alive is still on the table for me just because I hate Yousuke since he appeared in the first series, and Iwaki’s obsession with him pisses me off to no end, its like every other word out of his mouth is Yousuke. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I still read it because I like Shou and I’m curious to see how their relationship works out.
As I mentioned somewhere above, Nakamura Asumiko is a hit or miss author for me. I appreciate her uniqueness but it doesn’t always work for me.
To me Minami Haruka is good when I’m in the mood for sex sans plot and character development. I like her art but what I especially like is the dirty talk. A lot of mangas (I don’t know if it’s the translation or something?) are afraid of calling a penis, a penis. I know a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but sometimes I get frustrated by phrases like “your thing” or “give me it”. I’m sitting there going it’s a penis! Your tongue won’t fall off if you call it what it is. *Ahem* Anyways, I think that’s just me.
I didn’t know Pysche Delico was that popular. I like some of her work, but others I think they’re just okay. Oh, don’t get me started on Choco Starwberry Vanilla. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
You know Ootsuki Miu is one of those mangakas where I read her work if it pops up but she’s not super memorable. I do like some of her mangas but they’re a bit forgettable in my opinion. I don’t really mind her art though.
I like reading people’s opinions and conversations like these are fun, so I don’t mind at all! I’m not really butthurt about people hating/disliking my favorites. Don’t apologize for your opinion, you didn’t say anything offensive, you just spoke your mind in a very polite manner. If someone is offended, then they clearly don’t have the maturity needed to have a rational conversation. Please don’t feel like you need to hold yourself back. (●'◡'●)ノ

Well...art is a pretty BIG factor for me in choosing my mangas. Even if a mangaka has a mediocre story I'll try to ignore a few flwas if she gives me a breathtakingly beautiful gorgeous artworks. Vice versa, no matter how good a story is, if the art isn't good it'll definitely get a points deducted from my rating. On that note, Nakamura Asumiko is a CRAZY FREAKING Genius! Coz, I still don't like her creepy art but her BL mangas(NOT the shoujos) always get 9 or higher ratings from me. So, Ootsuki Miu always gets a "minus points" deducted even before I start reading her works. And the ratings keep getting lower depending on how messy(or should I say "slimy" may be?) her smut is. Anyways, for me manga is something to both "look & read" to enjoy. So I can't compromise with art. Of course with the exception of Nakamura Asumiko. Funny enough I also found Harada's art work pretty creepy at 1st, especially those slanted eyes/glances!! But now I LOVE her ^^"
Minami Haruka.....*sigh*.....I can't complain or dislike her completely because honestly, there are days when I just want to read something hot, porny & quick; which she provides(Yes, I am a proud pervert(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ ). Although I fully agree with you on her negative points - like all her characters look the same. But I do wish that she would improve her stories a tiny bit ( ̄∇ ̄")
Actually I don't dislike Psyche Delico. It's just that if I like any of her works I LOVE it to death! Like "Despicable". I can't express in words how much I like this work of hers. It's the best of her IMHO! At the same time if I dislike any of her work I dislike it to the point of detesting like - "Choco Strawberry Vanilla". So, the end result is, I admit that she has talent & like her but I can't help but dislike some of her works. So she's not among my most fav mangakas. It's like Harmonia said for Nakamura Asumiko - "hit or miss". For me Psyche Delico is like that.

Art was a big factor for me at first but now it's completely irrelevant. Well not completely but like I wouldn't deduct points if the story is good enough or interesting and the art is bad. And honestly some of my all time favorite ones have a 'not so good art' .However, if the yaoi has a good art but no plot, no matter how pretty the art is , I would still give a 1 star (the combination of bad art and bad plot just makes me sick tbh and I usually end up rereading some of my favs to feel better)
Currently I'm obsessed with the way Ogeretsu Tanaka draws her characters , and it's really pretty that I ve come to like it better than any other art (so any work that's not by her is inferior in term of art (to me that is) so if I started picking what to read based on art I wouldn't find anythinh to read xD )
Hehe it's funny because what you said about harada is what I used to feel aboutNakamura Asumiko . Like at first I couldn't bring myself to start reading her stuff, but once I did I couldn't stop and now her art looks really good to me xD maybe because ive gotten used to it , but her characters look very beautiful and alluring
LMAO , I always wanna read somthing pervy /porny so I guess Im a huge perv too xD for me however I usually go to either sakira or zaria for that because the art IS SO MUCH BETTER and I still get a laugh out of the plot as anything is better than Minami Haruka xD

OMG! Yes!! Her Dirty talk!! That's what I like about her work too! They are so porny!! (≧∀≦) It's exactly the same reason I keep going back to her when I want to read something quick, hot & don't want to invest my synapses on thinking about the plot! No one can write dirty talk as good as her. I personally think she has more talent than it seems. May be it's because her porny works are more demanding(<--just guessing) that she doesn't write/holds back from writing meaningful stories? As they might not sell well. Anyways, that's just me guessing ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a good day/night! I was just wondering, what mangaka (or mangakas) you feel everyone likes but you don’t like, or you’re not a big fan of? It doesn’t have to be a yaoi mangaka. Personally, Nakamura Asumiko tends to be a hit or miss. For example, I really liked the Doukyuusei series but I really disliked J no Subete. (●'◡'●)ノ