Thanks to the translators but...

Secret March 18, 2021 2:25 am

I got curious after reading the comments so I decided to go and read the spoilers. Is it that bad? Yes it is lol. While reading I felt my blood boiling.
Here's the spoiler link:

Yeah there's no hope that the manga is going to be different from the novel lol.
That is VERY rare if it does change. Who do yall think gives the Okay for the novel to become a manga? The author. Unless this delusional author sees that her ML is a burning dumpster fire then we might see change.
I think the veil idea is great to keep her identity hidden really liked the start of this almost go tricked waiting once a month for 1 chapter.

    ThePrinceLady March 18, 2021 5:57 am

    Thanks for the warning. Can't handle another trash ml.

    私は読みます January 30, 2025 1:07 pm

    Nah it's the publisher who makes the decisions. And this just shows how toxic some Japanese people are for wanting a ML like this. I'm glad I read the comments down here. This just made my mood worse than it already is after reading the comments.