
wicketginger March 17, 2021 10:20 pm

I cannot remember.

Studs are the ones who prepare the birdies for their clients right?

Who are the foreplay men?

Birdies can only sex with the clients. Not anyone else correct?

    Action Fantasy March 17, 2021 10:29 pm

    I just somewhat reread c1 and yes stud and fore play man are basically the same. Studs is just their “another” more vulgar but they also use it jokingly way of calling the fore play man because they def stud as “the action and confirming a stallion is in heat”

    The rule says studs and birdie are not allowed to have full intercourses but if given birdie’s consent and permission, everyone usually turn a blind eye even if they saw stud and birdie having smex. Yea all in c1 phew been a while too loll

    Action Fantasy March 17, 2021 10:47 pm
    I just somewhat reread c1 and yes stud and fore play man are basically the same. Studs is just their “another” more vulgar but they also use it jokingly way of calling the fore play man because they def stu... Action Fantasy

    Nvm i made a mistake studs can’t have smex w birdie. Tbh I feel like they do it secretly but we don’t know all we know the rule is they can’t loll

    wicketginger March 19, 2021 5:20 pm
    Nvm i made a mistake studs can’t have smex w birdie. Tbh I feel like they do it secretly but we don’t know all we know the rule is they can’t loll Action Fantasy


    The two that were caught having sex were both foreplay men though, right?