Some villains are well-made and actually lived up to its name with or without a tragic past. You really can't help liking it when they're perfectly made to fit the role. Some might hate what they did but that's what makes them a villain. You can't appreciate a villain if they're too much of an angel for it. You like the character, not the deed, so if anyone's against it then they're the problem.

Alright even before i had read (blood of the sun) I had seen the blonde dude on insta and tiktok but i tried not to spoil it for myself so i never read what other said about it but i liked him even before reading it and turned out he raped the main character but like i liked him before that and i cant just change my feelings towards the charter in a second i liked him because how strong and evil he acted not because he raped someone

For real like I got called a weird ass b**** because I like the evil character because of how strong and evil he looks I didn't like him because he raped someone like that's that's weird like I wouldn't go that far but being called a weird bitch kind of did hurt but like I didn't take it up the ass like okay we have differences but no need to call me out like that I should have been more specific why i him but even so its rude

Like I agree with you I do tend to like more the characters were evil than the good guy but at the same time I do like good people in the stories cuz it helps balance it out but not everybody should have the same opinion like how others expect us to have we can like whatever character we like but people just don't get that Bountiful

Exactly like the pass story of the way they act is also like really interesting on how their minds works and the things they do is all because of a tragic past and some people just can't handle that. Like other will try to say you can forget about the past but some times u cant. And I do tend to like that tragic pass and now they become such a horrible person but it's like it's very interesting to me that's why I like it I don't like it because they're abusive and they're nasty people I like because their mindset and how they think because it really shows how some people end up like that even today

No you don't sound crazy i find you to be a more interesting person now but same anything i read in mangas i wouldn't condone in real life like I'll like a murder in the story but not in real life. And i would honestly really like learning about people who have mindsets like that its interesting to me
Just because we don't like the same character doesn't mean u have to come after me if i love the villain of the story that's on me ik they've done bad stuff in the story but doesn't mean i like everything about them like i liked the character before even reading the story because of ig and tiktok but now that i read it hes bad but i still like him and i shouldn't have the change my mind because we think differently