I feel like I agree but like the person who rote “the cherry blossoms after ” lol she learns from her poorly writte story though it was great so maybe the author is trying there best and when they look back they May be saying “ohh this was not as great as I thought back then” or something like that, they learn from their mistakes and makes they a better author pls no hate :)
i have no issue with romance being in the plot (i love it if it’s properly written), I also don’t think Tess will cause issue because she’s really strong herself (assuming she’s the main love interest btw). My issue here is the author has written flat female characters.
Sure Tess is strong, Kath has a lot of potential to be strong, etc... but being strong doesn’t mean anything if your character has no personality. I wouldn’t wanna read a story with a mc who had no personality and was only strong, thats just boring. There’s so much that could be done with these characters, especially Tess, but the author isn’t doing justice to their potential. I loved Tess when she was first in the picture, but now she’s become kinda boring. The other love interest have always been boring which is why I loved Tess the most because she didn’t have the typical “sweet” girl thing, she wasn’t a cliche princess, her and Art would butt heads, she was energetic, didn’t put up a front to impress people, etc... but the author has completely gotten rid of the things that made her a likable character. It’s sad because I don’t wanna watch her turn into a snobby, jealous character who won’t even speak her mind... it’s not the same Tess that was in the start of the book and it’s disappointing.
The issue a lot of people have with romance being in action isn’t the fact that there’s a romance sub plot, it’s the poorly written love interest(s) and the poorly written romance plot. Sure some people just don’t like romance, and that’s completely fine, but a lot of people confuse the dislike for poor writing for dislike with romance. I was in full support of Tess and Art having a romance subplot, but her character is becoming disappointing and the romance plot line is becoming disappointing. The female love interest is given the typical keep my feelings to myself, get jealous when I have no right, damsel in distress role and the mc ends up having to do something that puts himself or his plans in jeopardy to save her. I’m so sick of authors writing in female lover interests who have a flat character and are only their to add to/show how “great” the mc is. If your mc can’t be properly portrayed without the need for flat characters to show how great they are... you need to work on your character writing.
I love the plot for this, so far love the mc, i did love Tess... but i’m disappointed in the authors ability to write characters. They’re all pretty flat character honestly, aside from the mc (even he doesn’t have much complexity going on). I’m going to continue in the hopes that the characters are given more personality and the romance subplot turns out to be written fine because I genuinely love the plot for this and wanna know what happens next. I just really hope it doesn’t turn into a horrible romance subplot because honestly as long as it’s written fine you can just read through and not pay it much attention (if you don’t like romance), but when it’s written poorly it ruins the story. It’s still too early for me to judge so I’m gonna continue reading, just sharing my opinion after the comments I saw.