No romance is cool with me

ceciliyuh March 17, 2021 4:54 pm

Haha...I get what ppl are saying about this story being a really slooooooooooow burn for the emperor and Paulina, and wanting to drop the comic because of it. I just personally can't relate because I literally only read this comic for Paulina. Tbh I gave up on the idea of the emperor and her being together a while ago. Like I know it'll happen eventually, but im no longer waiting for it. (If anything I wanted this to be a wlw story haha..) But coming back every chapter and seeing Paul's cute face gives me so much serotonin I just have to stay ~♡

    mushrooms April 4, 2021 6:19 am

    literally, I just love watching Sir Paul's antics and the way she completely misunderstands social interactions outside of her job. She's just a delight to watch (and I also wouldn't be upset if she took a wife instead of a husband ;) ) but regardless of the story around her, I just want Paul to be happy