No no, Elias is very much learning about humanity and their relationship, too, just at a different pace from Chise. Remember, Chise has been a lonely little girl until now. So, while her human knowledge is better when comparing to Elias, it is still very limited, so there's just so much she can teach him herself.
Beside, Elias IS learning, too. For the first time ever, he, out of his own free will, is making a new friend. Up until now, Elias has been on the passive side of all of his friendship. It always the other person that does the initiate and offering the friendship. But now, Elias is the one doing the initiate.
I enjoy this series quite well but am thinking that the reason for the series has derailed. This is the Magus Bride. Also wondering where the series is headed, since at this point in time it is simply a slice of life about an ensemble of characters in a college setting.
The Magus has been mostly MIA. I get that it is about Chise learning to be with others and learn to live well. But he is and should be learning humanity and that has been missing. Their interactions have become less and less and that is troubling. Hoping the author starts gearing up and back to basics as well.