what did we learn

Brittle Bones Nicky March 16, 2021 7:04 pm

as cliché and strange as it is, i feel like i did a lot of reflection while the site was down.

i found the site because my friend told me about it. and as much as i love it, perhaps i don’t need it. i sure don’t want to ruin other’s fun by being one of the new people who spread it too much (I’ve only told one other person about it, but still. I didn’t think anything of it, and that’s kinda sucky)

plus, i realized there’s literally only one manga on here i genuinely care about. the rest is just filler.

perhaps i need to stop fetishizing gay men, go outside more, and grow a pair of tits.


    IDK March 16, 2021 7:11 pm

    You ok?