“I wouldn’t think about you if I didn’t have time to think” amazing. Huilin and Ja...

nims March 13, 2021 5:57 pm

“I wouldn’t think about you if I didn’t have time to think” amazing. Huilin and Jaehee’s love story>>>>> anything else on this manhwa, it was mutual love from the very beginning unlike with Sulhwa where she just stalked and pestered her till she liked her back. Also Huilin’s dad was so sweet and supportive, it’s so heartbreaking that he died.

    Mlklatte March 17, 2021 8:14 am

    zhu huilin was freakin manupulative, even if it was mutual love, it does not give her that right!

    Matt Murdock March 17, 2021 10:19 am
    zhu huilin was freakin manupulative, even if it was mutual love, it does not give her that right! Mlklatte

    shut up

    Matt Murdock March 17, 2021 10:20 am
    shut up Matt Murdock

    wait wrong reply sorry

    tomatojuice March 17, 2021 6:39 pm
    wait wrong reply sorry Matt Murdock


    nims March 17, 2021 9:31 pm
    zhu huilin was freakin manupulative, even if it was mutual love, it does not give her that right! Mlklatte

    you think i give a shit? Sulhwa literally assaulted Jaehee after she had sex with Huilin at the school. (more like raped and physically assaulted, despite being a bdsm story there was no consent given in that situation). Honestly all the characters in the story are morally gray so let’s not act like any of them are angels who have never fucked up.