Wow I can't believe how disgusting the world has become

Tsukishima Kai May 19, 2021 1:50 pm

Reading the comments where people are actually saying that it's OKAY and makes it seem like this is still an honorable job to do when you HAVE A LOVER, like, REALLY? Can y'all stomach the fact that your partner fucks other people for money??? Y'all are talking about reality where sex workers are professional and all but if this happens to YOU IRL you'll just accept it?? I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT. You all are just riding the bandwagon of comments making the comments of disgust your targets. Falling in love with sex workers is fine, being a sex worker when you have no choice is fine, and stating your own opinion is fine, but the content of this manga just promotes stupidity because you'll never hear a happy ending love story where you're sharing your partner's sex organs with so many people wtf.

And there are people who always use 'fantasy' 'plot' 'fiction' and 'imagination' to tell themselves that a crime and something like this is okay, that this don't necessarily happen irl, that this is different than irl, etc. etc. Oh yeah, as if you know everything that happens in the real world kids. THIS HAPPENS that's why I'm overreacting because I KNOW.

    theotpsailor March 13, 2021 4:38 pm

    ever heard of an open relationship?

    Akane March 19, 2021 11:03 am

    And you need to know and learn to expect that everything you read is not happening in real life stop comparing stories with actual life situation that there sir is called plot and it is labeled as fantasy for a reason

    46429 May 19, 2021 1:14 pm

    ...I have friends who are sex workers who are in relationships, and it works out. Polyamory also exists. Don’t fit people into your tiny perception of what “good” relationships are, especially when it’s not your relationship. Your opinion is valid, so have relationships however you want and let others have relationships how they want as well!

    Asieq05 June 23, 2021 11:51 am

    I agree with you. I would like to see those people dating a porn star and being in a serious relationship with them, not a fling. My guy friends are always like "I would like to date a porn star, the sex would be so good", but the thing is that you wouldn't like to date them, you only want to have sex with them,because there is no way that you would be okay with them doing their job.

    Tsukishima Kai June 23, 2021 3:39 pm
    I agree with you. I would like to see those people dating a porn star and being in a serious relationship with them, not a fling. My guy friends are always like "I would like to date a porn star, the sex would ... Asieq05

    This is exactly my point. Sad because nowadays people often mistake that the word 'relationship' just means 'sex' and that's just not right. If you are in an open relationship, as they call it, where you enjoy having sex with different partners, then that's just the call of the body and desire and not really a serious relationship. People claiming that they have sex worker 'friends' who are in a 'serious relationship' are kind of questionable because I don't think those people are really in a serious one, or Idek of they are telling the truth. I don't want to pull the personal experience card here since I don't want my privacy compromised so I won't tell my story, but if you're really trying to be in, and sustain, a serious relationship, you'll eventually stop working in the sex industry. Not only because it would hurt your partner, but because your conscience would tell you to do so.