I totally agree with you. I despise it when they forgive villains just because they had a horrible past. It's understandable but it doesn't excuse their wrongdoings. They still made that choice. Midoriya had all the reasons to be a villain but he still persevered. I'm not saying that they should all be like Midoriya but there are always consequences for your actions and decisions.

Just bc they are forgiven by the hero doesn't mean their debt to society is wiped away. They still have to pay for their crimes but it isn't the hero's job to do that. The hero's job is to capture and bring them to justice.
It IS easier to kill them off than to bring them in alive, that is what makes it a struggle to be a hero in the first place. But heroes are not judge, jury, and executioner.

Sometimes they don't need to be redeemed. They just need to know they hmamde a mistake and they feel remorse. Most of the time, they don't see cause they're feeling something different. Shigaraki needs help. All of them do. A lot of real life criminals are sociopaths who had sufferable childhood that made them that way.

Exactly. Love your reply~
One of the reasons I love Aang, Naruto and now Deku is cause they know the difference between forgiving their sins and not-killing. Killing does not equate to punishment. Not-killing does not equate to forgiveness. And the fact that Deku most likely know that difference is why I think he is even more worthy of OFA.
A hero is not a hero just for the general society. A true hero saves EVERYONE! That’s the vibe I get from Almight and Deku. And that’s another thing I love about this duo.
I highly doubt Horishiki will go for the trope of forgiving Shigaraki’s sins, but I really hope he doesn’t make Deku kill him.
I'm gonna be honest, I'm tired of this trope of heroes magically reedeming villains that have killed thousands of people.
Nana was onto something saying that some people can't be forgiven or redeemed, they can't with just a lame i'm sorry for killing and hurting you all.
Most villains just don't need to have a sad backstory, some are just plain evil and that's it but for some reason shounen mangakas think it's necessary to do a depressing backstory for them because if not, how will the villain be redeemed by the public or hero??
This reminds me of Aang being unable of killing fire lord Ozai because he might be forgiven""" I understood where Aang came from and Deku too but we go back to the point Nana made.
If you disagree then it's okay, i'm just giving my opinion about a trope that just fucks me up