Oh... naw, the second couple ain't gon work for me... Mans a whole pedo

Sarutobi March 13, 2021 9:36 am

Oh... naw, the second couple ain't gon work for me... Mans a whole pedo

    Phime March 19, 2021 6:41 am

    I was so upset after that part. It was really good up until there. I was able to look past the rape at the beginning because he doesn't say no so much as wtf? But that, I couldn't look past that.

    Yaoipebia April 28, 2021 8:33 pm

    He said he just likes small dicks not including age

    Sarutobi April 30, 2021 1:25 am
    He said he just likes small dicks not including age Yaoipebia

    ... That's like a str8 guy saying he likes hairless women, or women with small t!ts... it's not overtly pedophilalic, but you gotta wonder why they like features that are common in minors...

    Yaoipebia April 30, 2021 1:41 am
    ... That's like a str8 guy saying he likes hairless women, or women with small t!ts... it's not overtly pedophilalic, but you gotta wonder why they like features that are common in minors... Sarutobi

    I see where ur coming from but ppl have diff preferences. It isn't their fault that it has similarities to minors. I just feel like u can't win. If u say u like big boobs ur called shallow and if u say u like small ones ur a possible pedo. I just feel like people need to calm down and try to understand. U know what I mean?