as a single mother I feel this and approve this.
when my son's dad and I split I made sure I took my son with me I never abandoned him not once. wherever I go he goes, even tho it's been 7 years since im single, I'm at this point where if I meet a new person and he doesnt accept me with my son then he's not the right one for me..
so what his mother did was selfish in my book I would never choose a man over my child!
but I'm glad he got closure indeed. it warms the heart knowing how important doyun and byul is

as a single mother I feel this and approve this.
when my son's dad and I split I made sure I took my son with me I never abandoned him not once. wherever I go he goes, even tho it's been 7 years since im single, I'm at this point where if I meet a new person and he doesnt accept me with my son then he's not the right one for me..
so what his mother did was selfish in my book I would never choose a man over my child!
but I'm glad he got closure indeed. it warms the heart knowing he realised how important doyun and byul is to him

my mom is also a single mother (dad’s a piece of shit) and she one told me she broke up with a guy because he wouldn’t let me eat 2 hard boiled eggs saying kids shouldn’t get to eat more than 1. she was afraid he was gonna mistreat us later. I think being a single parent is one of the most rewarding and tiring jobs. So i think you’re a wonderful mother for looking out for both u and ur kid. there might be moments where you feel overwhelmed like Hyesung did in that chapter and i think it’s okay to take time offs when you need them. i hope u don’t push urself too hard & just go at ur pace
i understand the mother wanting to run away but what about Hyesung? She brought that child into the world she needed to protect him. you met a new man and got pregnant ok. i can understand falling in a new love but then you should’ve taken Hyesung away from that house. you should’ve insisted on seeing Hyesung even though the dad said Hyesung didn’t want to. There are many things you should’ve done. and i’m glad Hyesung cut off both his parents off. at least now he has a bit of closure even though it’s rough because now he can finally move on with his own wonderful family. also fck you to all the mthrfckrs who were mad at Hyesung for not seeing Byul in 1 chapter and saying he’s a bad mother for taking some time.