My Indifference

Snicks March 13, 2021 6:48 am

I am kind of mind boggled how the mc didnt realize max was the crown prince. The crown prince first 3 letters of his name is literally max. They both have red eyes so does the emperor and am pretty sure only people in the bloodline have those red eyes. One thing that does confuses me is how the ml was gonna kill her for hurting his sister( i think that whats he says) but he seems not to care about his family. Lastly is how in the first chapter when the princess was poisoned it made to seem the mc is kind and wouldn't act that way but later own it shows she has a bad personality and a very rude character a villainess you may say . The man gets mad when gets no attention from ex lover trope is so frustrating to see

    Jo-chan March 13, 2021 7:46 am

    There is a difference between being a jerk and being a murderer. One can bully others but not actually murder them.

    As for the fact that the crown prince was there to "punish" her - I have a theory that was BS. I think he was there to save her. It is why the dad suggested the shadow room and gave her the sword. They planned to let her escape. But she misinterpreted it all and instead killed herself.

    Snicks March 17, 2021 5:49 pm
    There is a difference between being a jerk and being a murderer. One can bully others but not actually murder them.As for the fact that the crown prince was there to "punish" her - I have a theory that was BS. ... Jo-chan

    True a bully and a murderer are different but her character seems so different than how it is portrayed in the first chapter and I like your theory I saw some people who had like minded theory's aswell

    ChuYang March 17, 2021 10:15 pm

    I peesonally don't see a difference. Her longing for her father's affection and being denied it was what lead her to latching onto the first person who showed her any sort of kindness. She bullied people because she was afraid they were going to take away the only person who ever seemed to care about her. That's totally in keeping with how she was portrayed in the first chapter. Also, while she never sought his affection again after multiple rejections it doesn't mean she doesn't still long for it. And not being trusted by the ones she wants affections from the most would drive anyone like herself (a very emotional character) to tears once again.

    shinz March 18, 2021 3:48 pm

    First of all, Max/Maximillian is a very common name(even in the timeline where she's from) so her very first thought would be that "Max" is just a fake name as a mercenary as for the eyes, I don't think it was specified that only those of royal blood can have that eye color but it might be said in the novel. Second, his excuse of wanting to see the murder of his sister is just what exactly it is, an excuse. The father might have ask Max a favor to help her escape or have him pretend to torture her so everybody else would stay away, thus keeping her safe. And lastly, she's rude and bratty but being shock and trembling is pretty normal, I mean she's being accused of a murder she didn't commit plus she lived a sheltered life, she wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face at that situation. I agree that the "man gets annoyed at ex ignoring him" trope is so used by now, I would've preferred that he move on

    shinz March 18, 2021 3:49 pm
    First of all, Max/Maximillian is a very common name(even in the timeline where she's from) so her very first thought would be that "Max" is just a fake name as a mercenary as for the eyes, I don't think it was ... shinz
