try yellow? Yellow is awesome...Punch up is also awesome. anything by Natsume Isaku tends to have ukes who are more feisty and manly...nobody girlie... its awesome
under grand hotel...set in prison. yakuza. Plus the seme is incredibly sexy and I want one.
ok well I'm sure there's more happy hunting.
Hmm i kind of got jaded throughout the years as to what an 'unusual story' is in bl but you can manouver around my manly couples collection i even like the most obscure ones and you might want to try that
I wish I could remember the spider demon/monk manga. That one had a great plot, art, and sexiness.
You mean this one
How about "Puchitto Hajiketa"
I'm looking for yaoi manga with manly seme-uke with unusual story. Anyone knows?