
What?? .-. this is just idiotic thinking is this your first time reading something like this? Like ever? This one is a lot better than most when it comes to power scaling he doesn't have it all just either basic skills anybody can get or just skills based off of his class.. .-. for instance the assassins Powers he can't have those XD he's only op because he dedicates his whole life to the game and worked his ass off unlike other stories where they just get powerful out of nowhere
This is the webtoon equivalent of a 7yr old playing superheroes with their friends...
Kid 1 - "I can fly and I have super strength!"
Kid 2 - "Me too, I can fly and have super strength and super speed and laser eyes and invisibility!!!"
Kid 3 - "You can't have all of them, you have to pick two!"
Kid 2 - "No, I'm super powerful, I'm the best superhero so I have all of them. And I can freeze stuff... and make explosions!"
Kid 1 - "It's no fun if you have all of them, pick two!"
Kid 2 - "... And I can stop time and control plants."
Nobody likes that kid. This author is dumb.