I wonder when the 30th chapter will arrive 'cause I want to read when yu hao Became the 2n...

ascherit March 3, 2016 3:14 pm

I wonder when the 30th chapter will arrive 'cause I want to read when yu hao
Became the 2nd god of destruction and that tang sang will gave him training
Etc ....

    iLIEz March 13, 2016 5:56 am

    He going to be a destruction god !Σ( ̄□ ̄)thats suprising and at the same time it is not. You can kinda see that coming ... i mean tang san went through an emo phase when he was human so it isnt weird.

    anion April 6, 2016 11:39 am

    I dont thinl yu hao will become the god of destruction, because he was in this chapter fighting the sinful gods

    ascherit April 6, 2016 12:26 pm

    not now because i saw the story of the god of destruction in chap 30 and he was telling his story before all of that happened and i also saw yu hao being a completed god before that chap and then after he tell us his story then he gave yu hao his power n CHAPTER 30.

    DAngel May 24, 2016 12:42 am
    not now because i saw the story of the god of destruction in chap 30 and he was telling his story before all of that happened and i also saw yu hao being a completed god before that chap and then after he tell ... ascherit

    where are the other chapters ? i see only at 18 chapters