AWWWWWWWWW. I honestly can't pick teams T_T Like i know you guys think yahwi is trash but...

Tig March 12, 2021 11:28 am


I honestly can't pick teams T_T
Like i know you guys think yahwi is trash but my thinking is different from yours ig and yahwi doing what he did wasn't right (but you guys also can't forget consent and things are different in Korea, and they learn different things to) also yahwi's upbringing like yeah it isn't and excuse but yeah..
Anyways im kinda on both teams.. whoever makes jooin happy I'm happy with.. if its yahwi then so be it and same with cain.
I can tell this is gonna be really interesting tho, most love triangles they would go for the bad one (in this case yahwi ig lol) but in this manhwa i have a feeling we won't know until it actually happens, like i reckon there's gonna be so many twists. I lowkey have no idea whats gonna happen but at the same time kinda do? Anyway love this and yeah.
