Cute but JAIL

cheezrox March 12, 2021 11:25 am

I mean it’s cute but also JAIL. I’m really not about people in the comment section saying it’s fine because he’s 18 or almost 18. I’m 20 and I feel dubious about dating an 18 year old. 18 year olds are fresh out of high school have very little life experience and already in the two years out of college I have way more life experience than I did at 18. The seme is a whole ass 32 year old adult who has gone through life. Went through college, has a whole ass job and income and had way more life experience. It’s extremely dubious for a 32 year old man to relate to a highschooler no matter how mature a high schooler might seem. The whole idea that high schoolers can be mature so it’s okay for 20+yr olds to date them reinforces a narrative of predation of high schoolers. It’s so shady why a 30+year old wouldn’t find people their own age more attractive. Because newsflash older people who date younger it’s because younger people are more naive and easier to impress and the people their age won’t take their bullshit. Also don’t come at me with “my parents have an age gap” because statistically most couples only differ 2-3 years in age and y’all parents with large age gaps, some of y’all need to accept one parent groomed the other. Consent is about being able to make well informed decisions and a fresh out of highschooler is not gonna have the decision making skills or life experiences of 32 year old. Yeah it’s a cute story, I turn off my brain on this site too but it’s the age gap defenders that make me tired. As someone who has dated older ppl it wasn’t cute and yeah even though some of them were respectful af I came to learn there’s a reason they don’t date ppl their age and it’s bc ppl their age know to stay away. Read for the fun but don’t go on trying to justify a relationship with a CHILD and an adult. I don’t care if he’s past the age of consent, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s morally right.

    fairytailpiano42 March 12, 2021 12:42 pm

    Dude it's fiction, a fantasy world that will never come to life. What y'all normies got to understand is that the moral compasses in anime and manga doesn't exist as it's a place to express ones creativity in however way u want and like. If y'all don't like don't read it, leave quietly, and don't write a whole book report announcing why u didn't read or u dropped it 1) it's disrespectful most of the time 2)it's annoying and 3)it just upsets the people who are happy readers or watchers of that thing when they come upon ur comment after enjoying the manga or anime.

    fairytailpiano42 March 12, 2021 12:42 pm

    Please leave quietly it's not an airport were u announce ur arrival or departure or leave ur review, I don't get it what is with y'all normies and applying real life rules to manga and anime if u don't like it, it has an x at the top of ur screen for a reason.
    btw it doesn't reply back about how long u've been reading manga and watching anime because it doesn't matter if ur still a applying the real worlds morality to a fictional one.

    fairytailpiano42 March 12, 2021 12:49 pm
    Please leave quietly it's not an airport were u announce ur arrival or departure or leave ur review, I don't get it what is with y'all normies and applying real life rules to manga and anime if u don't like it,... fairytailpiano42

    Ur a normie

    huan huan March 12, 2021 3:06 pm

    Man got really mad over fictional characters wtf

    Somecrazyhuman March 12, 2021 3:23 pm

    At least this manga doesn't have rape content...come on,if this manga isn't your taste....then don't read it...

    Before read should've read the summary first or tag....