no someone fan translated this despite 98 going up in TWO DAYS on the official eng site. it seems they did it just so they could shit talk doona in the margins. gotta wonder how much freetime someone had just to make a wonky translation with pointless "notes" on here just so they could talk shit. i mean just do that in the comments like everyone else? now this is taking up a spot that the official chpts could be in instead. rip whoeer usually uploads SB on here.

i didnt "read" it i double checked to see what people were talking about and found out someone decided to upload over a licensed series thats already being regularly updated here. that's the issue. its obnoxious and unnecessary even without the dumb translator notes. (assuming its even a correct translation cause clearly it was only posted here for trolling, and was prob based off the spanish files). when i do read the chpt it will be the licensed version whether its here or elsewhere. (at least other places uploading SB wont have these shitty chpts there)
Confused if those were translator notes or part of the original text.