She is a literal child??? That never had any friends besides her brother??? That thought of Athy as her sister and bestie???
Like what would you expect from a kid in her situation when her father keeps on trying to make her hate Claude and Athy, and make them look like they are keeping secrets.
Besides it’s not like Jeanette doesn’t deserve to know considering it affects her. The one that keeps on treating her like a naive kid is Athy, by choosing not to say the truth

yes, but the important thing here is that Claude is ATHY's dad, not Janette's. Also, she's not taking into consideration that they were *just* confirmed to be related (yes, athy already knew, but Janette didn't know she knew). I think Janette is just thinking about her own feelings...I mean--would you get offended if someone, whom just found out they were your relative, didn't spill everything about their dying father's condition???
Janette is thinking of everything in terms of HER perspective: joining the family (Claude and athy) would make *her* happy, learning about Claudes condition would make *her* feel comforted, talking to athy constantly about her life and Claude would make *her* feel included. I, personally, don't think she is considerate of Athy's situations and how Janette coming into her life might be difficult for her.
in all, it's a matter of opinion.

Okay but you're ignoring the fact that her joining at this point in time where claude is sick is not because of her choice but because of her dad who WANT her to come out in order to cause chaos. Her thinking that she is Claude's daughter in the earlier chapters is not because of her own selfish delusion but because white hair guy have been manipulating her since she was little. Yes she should've been more observant and independent but she is still just a kid. You guys are putting most of the blame on her despite the fact that is it the adult who is working behind the scene. Although I agree the part where athy shouldn't have to tell her anything about Claude's condition, the rest are debatable.

ok, but in my opinion she is. she should be respecting athy's boundaries (not only when talking about Claude's situation), even if it'll make her feel excluded.
I'm looking at Janette as if I was in athy's place and you're looking at Janette from her place. if I looked at Janettes situation, yes I feel bad and pity her. I know she has been isolated and borderline neglected her whole life. but, whether she was manipulated, isolated, etc., I still find her and her actions annoying.
you asked why people find her annoying, and I gave a reason. I don't wanna argue about this because, at the end of the day, we all have different opinions about different characters. I'm not gonna change my opinion, you're not gonna change yours
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I found her annoying even before mr. black magic dad came into the picture. now, she trusts this evil man soo much that she's beginning to resent athy. that just annoys me. it's not about reasoning her actions, we could go on and on about "but that made Janette feel this" and "but this made Janette do that" but in the end, that's our, personal, opinion.

I don’t think she resent Athy tho? If you are going to blame Jeanette for the issues in the story, you should probably expect me to counter argue. So in a way it is about reasoning for her action? You hate her because of her actions but I think that it is not entirely her fault that everything is happening. Since the dad is the main person behind every single incident, shouldn’t he be the one to upheld the responsibilities? Why should Jeanette, a neglected child who was basically manipulated/used through all her life be blame for everything that is happening?

??? you're making things up, bro...I never said she was to blame for ANYTHING in the story (where did you even get that lmao), I simply think she is annoying and isn't respectful of boundaries. I also never said I hate her. I think she's a cute character, I just find her irritating.
also, yes you can argue your opinion, but I don't think there is any need because my opinion won't change. there's no "right" way to think of, look at, and feel about a certain character.

geez...you're forgetting this is a character. and, no, it's not about 'principle' or whatever. finding something annoying--with a valid reason--is not toxic. I can find something annoying without hating it. op asked why some people find her annoying, so I gave my reason. there's no need to get worked up over someone else's opinion. does my opinion on her really matter that much, to the point you would be so passive?
Why are you all so mean to Jeanette? She is a child that feels lonely and left behind by both her adoptive and biological family, even by the boy she thought she would end up marrying and the only friend she ever got. And the princess, who she saw as a sister, is hiding things from her and telling her lies. NOT TO MENTION SHE IS BEING MANIPULATED BY HER “FATHER”?!
She is not a bad girl, she is just confused, lonely and scared. Mostly really lonely, and kids that feel that way are really easy to manipulate