Why are ya'll canceling Andy

chibisuke March 12, 2021 4:30 am

I'm not justifying his actions, but he did realize that he was wrong and apologized, yet some of ya'll are so quick to cancel Andy over it. I'm more annoyed at Martin who cut off his apology and is most likely going to punish him in a sexual way. Of course I hope that he took him away bc he saw him trembling and will have a proper conversation with him instead. I understand why he can come across as annoying, but there have been clear instances in the Manhwa, where he genuinely doesn't understand and fails to pick up social ques until he realizes too late. Which has most likely gotten himself into awkward situations in the past, hence the reason why he was trembling. He's most likely like that bc of how he was raised or something that happened in the past. Instead of putting all your energy into hating him, at least take some of that to try and understand why he’s like that as well.

    Mangobutt March 12, 2021 1:01 am

    I meant to like!!

    Poopzeaterz1 March 12, 2021 8:58 am

    Ikr people are so quick to hate on characters who have made genuine mistakes...and then for other characters who actually have intent behind their actions, they excuse because they’re hot ( ̄∇ ̄")