I know this comment wasn’t to me, but I am so confused about why the author seems to hate him so much and feels the need to punish his character so so horribly meanwhile the other guy is an ACTUAL predator and rapist and that fact is acknowledged in the story....I’m really wanting to check out the new comic to see if that really is her plan for that character...if it is I won’t be reading it. Honestly it’s disturbing and idk what the author is thinking!!!! I am hoping to get some clarity from the spin off but I’ll be upset if it’s just more torturing him. He was treated horribly by the end of this comic. Yes it was wrong of him to do what he did but he clearly has deep issue and spoilers if you didn’t read the raws ((( mc ties him up and his neck to a door to force him to watch her have sex with the small dude as punishment for beating him up I assume. It’s emotionally torturing him and then she has the dude fuck her right over byun Minho and he cries and actually wets himself. It’s very upsetting. He’s a douchebag most of the time but the two people he’s involved with TORTURING HIM and making his emotional and mental issues so bad he almost commits suicide before being taken by the rapist for the spin off set up....I just have no words for this. The author is out of her damn mind if she it going to make a spin off torturing him even more. ))

She hates Minho because she hates people like him irl. It's disgusting because she's saying that a rapist is better than a too-full-of-himself person. Like wth... I understand that Minho's character is annoying, like, he's annoying me too at times, but I could never cheer on Doona or Woongyung because they are abusers and rapers.
Ikr, like, I don't understand why some people saw the raws and still think that Doona and/or Woongyung are better than him. Like, wth, the dude got abused (mentally and physically) and raped. Doona is just sad because "He didn't love her enough" and Woongyung is doing this for pleasure, how can you still cheer on them? I don't get it

Yeah it very much seems like she’s been scorned by an ex in the past because her hatred of minho is so disproportionate and twisted. I don’t even understand how she can write a character like woongyung...I wonder if she really is going to try to redeem him or what...she confuses me because she realizes that minho is at a point where he is literally ready to kill himself...yet she’s doing a spin off that’s literally just set up to be torture porn...? She also has characters acknowledge, in canon, that woongyung is a rapist, predator, and horrible person. I’m just so baffled!!! What is her point!? If you’re going to weave a story around your smut people will care about the characters. If you want to just draw torture porn...make it that way from the beginning! I have never been mad at a hentai manga for being messed up or gross because it’s marketed as such and as porn and we all know the point is just because people wanna see it and get off on like a bloody nose or bdsm or non on or something without actually connecting to the character and thinking about the broader implications or emotional impact of that character in the long term and won’t have to feel bad about them. But if you write a 121 chapter manga fleshing out their lives and stories and having readers bond with them it’s no longer just porn! It’s a story and it makes the reader feel gross and sick.

It makes me sad to see minho get tortured by the only person he has been able to show a little bit of vulnerability around. If you want somebody to change sometimes you have to help them...not saying he deserves doonas help but she does send a lot of mixed signals to him about whether or not they are still friends/have any sort of social relationship. If she wants to be done with him she should say it but she doesn’t because she hopes when he’s at his lowest point he will come to her and when he’s like that he will do whatever she wants. God it’s depressing. But I’m interested in seeing his story through to the end...
So there’s supposed to be a spin off of gyerin (?) the dark haired lesbian AND byun minho. I’ve found the gl one but not the other? Anybody know if it’s been written yet or what’s going on with that? I’d really like to know what happens to him