really? Your sympathy is out of place (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Alex is a murderer and a psychopath through and through :'> And like any crazy people, he doesn't love Clark nor anyone he had killed, so calling him being manipulated into loving Clark is not true. If anything, if Clark really did fall in love with him, Alex would have killed Clark like he did with Clark's ex and his lovers in the past.
Secondly, Clark's ex VOLUNTARILY came to Alex, and even Clark's multiple times warning him, he still wanted to get close to Alex. That was the reason why he got killed, not Clark's fault.
Clark is also messed up with his interviewing murderer obsession, he shouldn't have messed with crazy murderer in the first place (that I agree with), but he at least doesn't want anyone innocent getting involved (like in the last scene with the police guy wearing glasses).
And lastly, killing innocent people is not to be sympathized with :'> like his past was horrible and his parents were treating him wrong...ok that I agree was pitiful, but the act of killing people :'> like come on you actually gonna sympathize with that ??

Alex literally murdered all his past lovers under the pretense that they will eternally be in love with him if they killed them at that state, HE backstabbed (literally I suppose) his past lovers when they were still very much in love with Alex yet you dare say Clark is the fucked up one? The double standards.

I respect your opinion but I stand by mine, I know what Alex is, I never said it was right, I’m saying I sympathize with him because of the life he went through to become this murder. If you ever watch criminal minds or something like that, people that are dealt the bad end of the stick are most likely to want revenge or kill people because in their twisted minds they believe in what they are doing. Doesn’t mean I can’t have sympathy for people I am human and I sympathize with people who are hurt and have been hurt, like I sympathize with the people he killed but I also sympathize with Alex because of the things that led him to become this killer, so yes my sympathize is in the right place. take care

I agree Alex was a psychopath but not an asshole.If he had to die it would have been much better if he died at the hands of police for me.Yk like with no emotions involved,Cause he had a reason for why he turned out this way but he still has to be punished for it.All of This drama that Clark and therapist created for Alex and then Clark who had revenge,HE HAD NO RIGHT TO.
I sympathize with Alex he didn’t asked to interview, he didn’t asked to be manipulated into loving Clark, If anything everything that happened in Clarks life was because of his on damn foolishness, he didn’t have to make Alex fall in love with him, just to break his heart, which inevitably caused him to kill the doctor.
Now that does excuse Alex being a murder, but he could helped him in a different way instead Clark used him for his own personal reasons. I liked Alex he’s just a broken kid in a mans body, he holds a lot of trauma, I don’t like Clark he’s a manipulator and he’s very toxic, it’s a rippling a effect and he caused all of it. I hate that Alex was killed, his death was kinda bullcrap...what a way to go.