
Takucchi March 11, 2021 7:50 pm

So here's a sequence of what's gonna happen from here on since we're almost at the CLIMAX.


- So after this event, Prince Asher releases the opening of the University (the one for young Entrepreneurs); there Aria finally reveals herself as the famous "Investor A" and her reputation spikes up further for the good.

- In this time, since Prince Asher backed up Investor A, it was eventually spread as a rumor that the Prince and Aria were together, but Asher formally announces he wishes to COURT Aria. He even visited the manor and Aria's mom was so happy and excited. Cain and Mielle were seething and Isis even fainted when Mielle reported that Aria was Investor A and she is dating the Prince (lol get wrecked bitch).

- Isis manipulates Mielle to getting rid of Aria, and blinded with jealousy, Mielle was also able to convince Cain to be in on the plan-- that is TO PUSH THEIR FATHER DOWN THE STAIRS AND FRAME ARIA. (istg these two sibs are trash with no redemption)

- Aria went out on a "date" with Asher, but she actually met with the judge (the one who convicted Mielle's maid); turns out, that judge was previoisly a Royal along with her older brother who was banished from the country due to being a child from an affair. The judge had a soft spot for Aria because she CLOSELY resembled her brother. It was later on revealed that Aria had Royal blood and that the judge's brother was infact her REAL father who was searching for Aria's mom ALL THESE YEARS (but it was hard because he was banished, and is living as a noble in another country) to the point that the Father was actually utterly devastated and depressed up until he met Aria (he didn't know he had a child until he met Aria) and reunited with his love (Aria's mom). He loves them both unconditionally.

- When Aria got back from that meeting, Mielle enacted her plan and called Aria outside her room where Mielle also called for her Father. Aria and the Count were cluless, but Mielle suddenly pushes the Count causing him to be in a coma due to head trauma. Aria brought the Hourglass before that happened, but she was too shocked because the Count actually tried holding onto Aria's hand before he fell, but ended up tearing the unique bracelet that Asher gave her on a date.

- Asher suddenly arrives before she could use the hourglass and teleports her out of there after Mielle screams that Aria pushed the Count for the maids to see. But when the maids arrived, Aria was already outta there and no one saw her. The bracelet was in fact a magic bracelet that informs Asher if something happens to Aria, so when it broke, he thought Aria was in danger.

- Asher teleports then out of the country and purposely left tracks like receipts and purposely letting important people know they're in the city (like the Viscount of the city). While in another country, Asher begins to form suspicions that Aria might have powers because he gave her a ring only used by the Royal family that changes colors when magic is used (the one in the recent Manhwa chapter). Aria used the hourglass to save a kid from getting their legs broken because of a thief while out with Asher, although Asher didn't know the time went back, he saw the ring glow. He then investigates Aria's origins including the previous judge since Asher found their meeting kinda sus. Asher is eventually the one who would become the bridge for Aria and her mother to reuinte with her real Father.

- Anyways, so back to the date, while they were in a cafe, an foreigner approaches them that seems to be friends with Asher and strikes a convo. Asher is annoyed cuz he's interrupting (lol), so the foreigner leaves after telling Asher to visit him and the foreigner actually fell for Aria's looks and gave her a kiss on the hand (lmao Asher wanted to punch his "friend").

- When they came back in the country, all news were spread that Aria is a criminal. They couldn't detain or cuff her though because she denied all charges and the Prince was also by her side. During the Trial, Mielle losses HORRIBLY because Aria had concrete proof she wasn't there (the receipts from a diff country), but Mielle kept saying she saw Aria and even had her dumb goonies to "testify" for her while using the torn bracelet as "proof". In the end, her goonies and Mielle were detained because Asher actually dropped hints that they may have been on drugs (he was able to duplicate Aria's bracelet to fake that Aria was still wearing it and the broken one was an "imitation" lmao Asher you savage, this is why u dont mess with his future QUEEN).

- Cain couldn't do shit cuz he's actually a conspirator and didn't want to be accused else their family will be ruined (lol it already is dumbass), he's also incompetent and doesn't have power like his father who's now in a coma. The judge (since she's on Aria's side and family) refuses ALL bails for Mielle and gives no fucks if she rotts there, so Mielle is stuck there.

- Mielle then blackmails Isis to get her outta there and they flee to a neighboring country where they were conspiring to dethrone the Prince's party and have a coup d'etat. During this time, Aria has gained many followers and the people were praising her left and right. Especially the commoners because of her contribution to the School.

- Fast forward, the Aristocrat faction plans the day of the coup, and when the day was nearing, Oscar felt that the plan was shitty but he still didn't do anything about it even when he knew what his family was planning even way before, he just didn't do anything about it (because Aria might suffer or get hurt, yeah, he still loves her). He had a bad feeling about it so he tried to convince Isis and his father to stop and rethink but they locked him up.

- The coup horribly fails. Lol. Turns out, the neighboring country was the one Asher and Aria visited and the dood who disturbed them was the Prince-- the one Isis was supposed to "marry" and Asher was conspiring with him to get rid of the Aristocrats in one fell swoop. So yeah, Isis and majority of the Aristocratic faction were hanged. Except for Oscar who was demoted to commoner because he decided to testify against the Aristocrats to protect Aria. Asher actually wanted him dead because he knew he was supposedly Aria's first love (Asher bby, he's not dw), and that Asher knows Oscar still loves Aria (yes, u think Asher is all smooth and pure, he's actually lowkey yandere; just perfect for our scheming QUEEN).

- Aria pleaded for Mielle and Cain to be saved (lol she wanted more suffering for dis betch), and so Asher respects her wishes. Everyone now sees Aria as a Saint because she saved her evil traitor fam, esp her dumb sis who even tried to frame Aria from attempted murder. The Prince of the neighnoring country even wanted to take Aria as his bride but Asher was like "We have a non-aggression pact, but try and IT'S WAR" (lol chill bruh )

- Aria makes Mielle a maid and Cain a apprentice/butler, Cain is grateful and Mielle sees Aria as her savior now (like Aria becomes her Isis) but she too fucking dumb I'm telling you-- because she thinks Aria still thinks highly of her and even gets haughty with maids 'cuz she thinks she's special. But eventually, Aria plans a tea party with Cain and Mielle, and manipulates Mielle into poisoning Cain. Cain dies and Mielle was put into trial again but this time she is hanged. For the Count, he lost all his assets and rot in a foster home because Aria's mom dropped him before the coup attack as Aria wanted her safe. Aria's mom eventually reunited with Aria's dad and went with him in the neighboring country to live there. (Yaaay momma!)

- Aria eventually marries Asher, named a Saint and no other family could rebuke because it was then announced she was of Royal blood herself (with the judge's influence, the neighboring Prince and her Father), got her revenge, and made the people around her happy and sucessful. Annie also married the Baron, and her other maid got married to a commoner turned successful entrepreneur that was supported by Aria (he's the teen that Aria knew and grew up with in the streets who sold newspapers, I think you guys would be able to spot him in the first chapters).

All's well, ends well! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
