Jinwoo killed Hwang Dongsu's big brother and has been wanting to take revenge on Jinwoo for a long time. The guy in the beach shirt, Thomas Andre, is the guild leader of the Scavenger's guild, which is the guild Hwang Dongsu is a part of, and he warned Dongsu to not do anything to Jinwoo. Thomas is responsible for Dongsu. Jinwoo values Jinho a lot, and Dongsu seems to have kidnapped Jinho in order to find out the truth about the murder of his brother or to take out his anger on him. Jinwoo wants to find Jinho so he can protect him from Dongsu, and Thomas wants to find Dongsu to protect him from Jinwoo (since Jinwoo will probably kill Dongsu if he finds out Jinho has been put through some shift because of him).
I’m confused. Why does Jinwoo want to find Hwang Dong Su? And what about the guy in the beach shirt? Who is he looking for and why? Thanks if you can answer these questions.