In my opinion, Rix is a very strong character, if i can say that, in the sense that he doesnt let anybody sleep with him, only Nuah cause he literally has to. But in the beginning, if i remember correctly, he didnt let Nuah do him either cause he didnt what to sleep with anybody.
Now, as their feelings grow for each other, Rix doesnt really mind Nuah and is, in fact, getting excited, but he still hates other people. The point Banam was trying to make was " If you cherish Nuah so much and hate letting other people touch you except from him, why arent you resisting me? Because if I wanted YOU, you cant refuse ME, like if NUAH wants YOU, you cant refuse HIM ( even if in reality you wanted to)."
In the episode with the bandits, again if i remember correctly, Rix didn't want to sleep with the boss and thus he didnt actually came, but now he did, even if in really he didnt want to sleep with Banam. He enjoyed the act cause he was told to by the devine beast.
Which makes me wonder if Rix feelings for Nuah are genuine cause Nuah can influence him but not immediately like Banam and they grew over time with his desire to be liked by Rix or Rix feel in love cause Nuah powers arent that strong to make that happen in the first place.

My question isn’t seeking an in-universe explanation, this is a writing choice question. I can follow along with the plot (if that still exists, lol) but that doesn’t mean I think the way to convey it was always right or sound; especially the plethora of on-con scenes that are lewded in contrast with Rix’s burgeoning consent for Nuah despite the questionable circumstances surrounding their coupling. Either way it’s oversaturation, the story gets bogged down, and Rix has very little agency, sexual or otherwise, making him more of a sexual object than a character; these have been problems for a while now, and It’s frustrating how little progress there is to depart from that, even if by now it’s more than obvious that’s the author’s intention, but that doesn’t mean I can’t disagree with those choices or find them as fatal flaws for what would otherwise be a very enjoyable series.

The plot is pretty simple though? It doesn’t have anything complicated to it. It’s basically just the adventure of Rix and Nuah but mainly the progression of their relationship through the journey.
It’s the story of a prince who has been cursed to be sexually horny every night, who gets sexually assaulted as a result, and can only suppress his curse by having sex with the help of the young divine beast.
The plot itself has roots in sex. It’s not like it’s a random ad-on fan service element, it’s complementary to the story. I get the opinion that it can be excessive but this is literally a story to serve smutty fantasies.
The way you should be seeing this story is a smut with really really good plot and amazing characters tbh, not a classical literary delicacy.
But really, to each their own taste!
Also I agree with the previous commenter when they said that it’s not just a way to show Rix he would blindly give consent to any divine beast if they asked for it but also would enjoy and not even think about rejecting their advances during the process.
But yet again, that’s just feeding fantasies really while serving the plot, literally the magic ability of the author. Coz somehow everytime Rix and Nuah have sex, we always get to learn something about themselves or the progress of their relationship.

I’m not looking for complicated, I just think the pacing is meandering. I don’t have a problem with smut, and I understand the dynamics between the characters and their conflicts, I don’t need that regurgitated. My “what was the reason?” was mostly rhetorical and no idt Banam had to necessarily fondle Rix to completion as a demonstration to prove his point; there’s always another way. For the most part Rix and Nuah are the only characters in this story and we’re hyper focused on them as individuals and a couple, but the excessive sex scenes pad out a story that was already drawn out because of the incremental progress the two characters have in their relationship development. Maybe it seems that for how many chapters have already been released, there isn’t as much visible progress as I would’ve liked especially if a considerable amount of that time is spent in something we’ve seen ad nauseum: Rix spreading his cheeks for Nuah or some stranger taking advantage of him. As an entire package, in both story and smut, it’s getting stale; don’t get me confused, I’ve enjoyed many a slow burn and smut, even stories that intersect, this one just ain’t it.
...WITHOUT SEXUALLY ASSAULTING RIX FFS! Like, it was so brief it was even more unnecessary than all the other non-con scenes and half of the Rixuah scenes combined. Author, I get it, Rix is very hot and you should be proud enough to flex that, but do we have to be reminded of it every single chapter with him put in lewd, compromising, and outright predatory scenarios on a near constant basis? Rix is practically a hentai centerfold atp and I gotta ask: WHAT WAS THE REASON?!?!?!?