Am I the only one seeing irony here? The scanlator forbids people to not upload elsewhere...

Lightasus February 29, 2016 8:22 pm

Am I the only one seeing irony here?

The scanlator forbids people to not upload elsewhere, someone does. They're mad and tell the guy she hopes they choke to death.

The mangaka forbids people to not go against the copyrights, to not upload online for everyone else to look up for free, someone does. That someone is the scanlator...

I mean, how can you honestly ask of people to not do what you're doing yourself without questioning it even a little? It's just perplexing to me xD.

Why think for a second no human would upload your scanlation if you asked them if yourself did not have the respect to not upload an artist's work?

    The scanlator is so hypocritic February 29, 2016 11:23 pm

    I agree with you, that's exactly what I've been thinking! xD

    The scanlator is so hypocritic February 29, 2016 11:30 pm

    The scanlator is so hypocritical...* So sad :'< The end of my name has been cut off... Now I'm crying! T-T xD

    Jeje March 1, 2016 5:31 am

    Thank you for voicing my tought!

    Kyuu March 1, 2016 10:51 am
    The scanlator is so hypocritical...* So sad :'< The end of my name has been cut off... Now I'm crying! T-T xD @The scanlator is so hypocritic

    i totally agreed the scanlator theirselves also hypocritical ( ̄へ ̄)

    yaoilover666 March 1, 2016 1:47 pm

    if you all think so, why are you even here???

    yumekui March 4, 2016 4:00 pm
    if you all think so, why are you even here??? yaoilover666

    then why are you even here if your profile written "yaoi trash" smh

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 4:16 pm
    if you all think so, why are you even here??? yaoilover666

    Because some scanlators aren't as hypocritical and don't scream "thieves go die!!" when the same thing they did to a professional artist suddenly happen to them with the stuff they stole from someone else :X.

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 5:52 pm
    then why are you even here if your profile written "yaoi trash" smh yumekui

    yo "yaoi trash" doesnt mean "yaoi is trash"
    it means youre a fujoshi that cant be help anymore, get it?

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 6:01 pm
    Because some scanlators aren't as hypocritical and don't scream "thieves go die!!" when the same thing they did to a professional artist suddenly happen to them with the stuff they stole from someone else :X. Lightasus

    i get it and had enough already with the wars between "the scanlators supporter" and "the author supporter even tho they read the after licensed scans and before licensed scans too"

    both sides are wrong, we know it but wont admit it

    just shut it with the "the scanlators are bad too for stealing from the author" and ill gonna stfu too about "supporting scanlators", we fine?

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 6:39 pm
    i get it and had enough already with the wars between "the scanlators supporter" and "the author supporter even tho they read the after licensed scans and before licensed scans too"both sides are wrong, we know... bitchy cat

    I don't really care what you do and never asked for anyone to shut it xD. Support scanlators if it's your thing, I myself like and support a very select few of them, it's just that shaming others for stealing something you've stole in the first place with such an agressive attitude is pretty meh. It's not as much about the scanlators than it's about that sort of human being.

    Personally I buy the mangas in Japanese or just wait until it's available at my nearest library. Some scanlations there and there because I can't afford the shipping for all the magazines that come out, I can only buy like 1 out of 4, and I don't even read them on this website. I mostly stay here for the community :3.

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 6:58 pm
    I don't really care what you do and never asked for anyone to shut it xD. Support scanlators if it's your thing, I myself like and support a very select few of them, it's just that shaming others for stealing s... Lightasus

    yo reading manga online is just as illegal as the scanners, you said you mostly stay here for the community and even bought the manga but you yourself still read the manga here too. we all did and even tho we think it is fine bcs everybody does it but no and i feel a bit guilty too tho

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 8:13 pm
    yo reading manga online is just as illegal as the scanners, you said you mostly stay here for the community and even bought the manga but you yourself still read the manga here too. we all did and even tho we t... bitchy cat

    I'm not talking about what's illegal or not, I'm talking about hypocrisy and attitude :/. If you're going to steal and post it on the Internet out of all places, expect people to steal from you and don't lash out on everyone when that happens.

    It's not really about my reading habits you know xD. Besides, I clearly said I don't read mangas here anymore?

    Are you having problems reading my posts properly? I don't really feel like repeating myself over and over :/.

    bitchy cat March 4, 2016 8:36 pm
    I'm not talking about what's illegal or not, I'm talking about hypocrisy and attitude :/. If you're going to steal and post it on the Internet out of all places, expect people to steal from you and don't lash o... Lightasus

    that is why i was saying i had enough of this, arguing about this only gets nowhere bcs both of us are wrong but we just wont admit it.
    so ill be the one ending this convo bcs literally one of us needs to be mature and give in yeah?

    Lightasus March 4, 2016 8:41 pm
    that is why i was saying i had enough of this, arguing about this only gets nowhere bcs both of us are wrong but we just wont admit ill be the one ending this convo bcs literally one of us needs to be mat... bitchy cat

    Cool, I didn't need someone replying to a 4 days old post xD.

    Lightasus March 5, 2016 12:00 am
    that is why i was saying i had enough of this, arguing about this only gets nowhere bcs both of us are wrong but we just wont admit ill be the one ending this convo bcs literally one of us needs to be mat... bitchy cat

    Mmh actually, this all made me think xD.

    It's like, of course humans are all hypocrites in some ways. We pretend to care about the environment yet we go around driving cars and throwing all our food in the trash. We pretend to care about the animals yet eat them and throw them in zoos. We pretend to care about our health yet eat trash food and all do not exercise. We pretend to care about the author yet read her work online without dropping a single cent.

    But if actually realize all of this you could be a better person by changing this. I now compost and use the bus when I want to go somewhere or even my bike if I can; I do not own a car. I'm in the process of becoming vegan since I started to feel really bad eating meat and whatever else; plus it helps the environment heaps in the process, as well s helping my health. I stopped eating deserts on each meals, stopped eating fried stuff.

    I started buying all the mangas I read, even more so with the only manga I still read scanlations of in a closed group; though I also buy the magazines, so I'm throwing even more money than your typical western guy that waits patiently for the next English release, and that even more directly to the author. So honestly, how am I wrong here? Because it's illegal? It's a win-win from both sides if you ask me :X. Again, it feels like you haven't tried to understand what I said. And well, were the scanlations going to stop, I sure wouldn't feel the right to complain and would just patiently wait, it would have been just convenient while it lasted.

    So I think it's great to be talking about those things, and not just shut up because it bothers some people that were conditioned to think something was right because everyone around were acting that way. I honestly hope than just feeling shamed some people could be acting up and in the process make the world around them better, also making themselves feel better.

    Like, for the scanlators of licensed work, couldn't they sacrifice the credit page in order to safely share their translation? Is it so important to have people stroke your ego in the process? Can't you just feel happy that your translation made people happy? Of course not translating at all would be ideal (though that ain't going to happen with how the Internet is now), but at least the person is doing it so with pure intentions and isn't causing unnecessary drama.