Personally, I think if sexless is a choice, that would be nice for Hinase. But this is not just a matter of identity, it's a matter of health and life and death, too. So, at the end of the day, they have to choose. Beside, I think the "Hinase's real choice has been robbed" thing is a little bit much. It's not like Hinase really wants to be sexless, they are just simply confused right now and haven't decided yet. Whether Hinase will be a male, female or non at all, all these choices are still on equal weight right now.
That might be true, but I still think that how the world/society limits the choice by saying that Hinase can only be male or female is wrong. Idealistically speaking. I’d like to believe that our choices change us into who we are, but Hinase is struggling with a choice that might have been easier if there was a third option. And it may be about life and death, but Hinase doesn’t know that. I interpret it as Hinase has a fear of change,
It’s difficult to sort out my opinion on this manga. I don’t think your gender defines you all that much and therefor really dislike how this society forms discriminating people, not to mention that I somehow feel that growing up genderless ’til you’re 10/12 yo would teach children how ones gender doesn’t define everything you are and I therefor find it odd that the adults are so focused on it.
But on the other hand I can’t deny that a gender is a part of your identity and like any other change in your life, it will change you. For someone that doesn’t want to change, which is also an option really, to be forced to choose something so life-changing while not wanting either futures, is really problematic. Even though I think staying genderless should also be an option for situations like Hinase’s, but with the death flag awaiting right around the corner it feels like Hinase’s real choice has been robbed.
What do you do when your choice doesn’t exist? Or if that decision will inevitably lead you to a dead end?