Oh yes of course..
Wait until the original scanlators getting so much upset about this, and she refuse to scanlate it, and just buy the manga and understand it for herself without sharing to us.
That's what we all want right?
And we're here just gonna wait for english translation until kurose and shirotani getting married, adopt children, and growing old

I used to be in a scanlation team, I did the cleaning.
Our works uploaded everywhere, we even found them uploaded ours without our courtesy.
One day, my team who provide the raws and translation just stop it in the middle of projects and we're no longer scanlating.
But after few weeks or months, other scanlating team took over just like what you said.
For those who said it's our fault for scanlating, f**k you!
We were pleased to help you read and understand, and when we were upset from your disrespectful, you still blame us. Go to Japan and buy the magazine or the manga yourself or wait for few years until you find them in your country! Savage!

How I wish we found the method longg time ago
My friend didn't explain too much, but she just said shewas upset and that's all. What I regret the most is...because I can't still reading japanese XDD

You the one who can't (︶︿︶)
For everyone who wants to read ch 28 of Ten Count, just look up kurose.co.vu
You can read the chapter there. Just don't upload the chapter on any manga websites. Both the translator and scanner don't want any of their works to be upload.