looking for a manga i lost.. once again-

MayoMuncher March 10, 2021 10:10 pm

So... This illegal underground boxer gets brought by this big CEO guy ( I think the CEO guy is not gay. Yet. But, he sleeps with men, and he has a wife and son for show, and to look good. ) ( The boxer he has a choking kink, and his ex lover was like in the mafia but he died, And the ex lover guy loved to wear his red bondage rope under his suit ) but anyways I remember that, the boxer had a tattoo, so did his ex lover ( I think it meant some thing but I forgot. ) Also the boxer has siblings, ( i forgot if there real siblings or not but ha- ) anyways he provides for his siblings, He really cares for them..... I remember this one part in the manga when the CEO guy was having sex with this one guy in his office and the body guard had to stand guard outside the door then he got called in the office while he was being railed and then the CEO was like " My lips are getting bored " then like kissed the boxer and it was like **Poof** ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ ALSO... Another important thing I forgot, the CEO sleep with men cause he wants to ruin his dads reputation, cause he HATES his dad with a deep passion.
